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The Ugly Truth About Hiking



It must be a liberal arts hobby.


I joined the hiking club as soon as I came to this university, and they've only been on three hikes since I've been here. And guess what... all the hikes are on Friday! No weekend adventures... it's only for those liberal arts students who are taking lame classes that let out on Friday.


And don't bother suggesting that I go out on my own... I don't have a car. I don't do hikes, I just walk to other places in the city.


On the other hand, I'm taking Astronomy 101, a class designed for non majors. It's easy for me, because I've already taken my physics courses and did research on astronomy outside of school, but it's fun to see the liberal arts students squirm as they try to understand basic science.


"Okay, so the most common type of stars are the M5s, which are the low mass red stars. Our sun is in the middle of the main sequence, and is much larger than M5s."


*immediately to student* "What is the size of the most common type of star?"


"Um... as big as the sun?"


If only I was competing in my harder classes against these people...




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If you're not a liberal arts major, then what are you?


And if you're a Boy Scout, how can you not like hiking?


And if you are taking classes that don't let out on Friday, when do they let out?



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I like hiking, just can't do it on Friday.


I have one class off on Friday, have to show up to my other classes.


I respect people who take liberal arts majors, but my courses as so much harder their theirs...



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Yeah, engineering is hard. Good for you!


I thought you meant they hiked after class, because I bet there's a lot of people like you who want to do stuff with the club but have class. (It's hard to schedule your classes so they're not on Friday anyway.)


And you made it sounds like you don't like hiking when you said "I don't do hikes."


Tell me this: in your astronomy class, are you every actually going to go outside at night and look at the night sky? My class probably isn't, judging on past history. (The teacher says we might change that though. Hmph.)



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It's an all day trip, so no, not after class. (Anyway, any hiker knows that you need to start off early, because all the weather disasters seem to happen in the afternoon)


Hiking requires forests... wild terrain. You don't get that in the city. What you do get is alot of light pollution, so I can spot Orion on my 3 AM walks, but not the Milky Way... to say nothing of cloud cover that Seattle has for 70% of the year. Besides, I really suck at just looking up and identifying stuff... and there's not much stuff visible by the naked eye anyway. (Now when I took the astronomy merit badge... we "hiked" out to a meadow in the high mountains and star gazed... that was fun)



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For the record, I am indeed Eagle, and I got the rank the classic way; finished it a week before my 18th birthday.



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