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*updated* Question For Fans Of My Mocs



Assuming I have fans, ha-ha.


I just finished my Toa Tuyet Dark Mirror version WIP and I think it's quite pretty -- but I'm loath to post it because the forearms and hands aren't yet available in the colour they're supposed to be (medium blue). Should I wait until Kiina is released, or do you want to see pictures now, with placeholder parts?


Dark Mirror Nidhiki is also basically done, so I would be posting him at the same time.






Well, here they are. Keep in mind they are still WIPs, so any C&C you may have is definitely welcome.





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Posted. Heh, all it took was a couple of strangers asking to see 'em. :rolleyes:


These are definitely character-driven as opposed to serious build-based MOCs, but that doesn't mean I won't still pimp out Nidhiki. He's kinda bland.



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Let me get this straight... Tuyet uses a Piraka torso... has loads of silver... and I like it? Weird.

I know. That is weird.

Don't post it until you get Kiina. For one thing, I don't think posting topics for such minor changes are allowed, for another... well, it just would be weird. :P

No topic needed at this point. That's what blog entries like this are for. :)

Agreed with Shine about Nidhiki. I don't really like him... maybe if you get Vastus you can give him his scythe.


I haven't seen a decent pic of Vastus's weapon, so I can't comment on that. I'll probably switch up Nid's colours, at least for the MOC shoot. For now, for display, the lime stays. See comment below.
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You have fans?


*gets shot*



... That's never happened before. :unsure:


Really not a fan of Nidhiki. The color scheme doesn't sit well with me. Silver over dkgreen over sandgreen would look nice. And, if you're going for storyline accuracy, he used a scythe.



I know, and I was totally thinking the same thing just today, after taking the pictures. Dark green + sand green would be so much more appropriate for the character. But the colour choice was really based on me just wanting to make a lime-and-silver Toa to stand next to my light-blue-and-silver one. And by golly, if I have the parts to do it (from Nocturn), then I'm gonna do it, and all other considerations be hanged! I know it's wrong -- but that's the beautiful thing about art: even if you're wrong, you're not really wrong in any absolute sense. :D *Goes to BS01* ... Ooh, get this: his canonical armour colour is "emerald." If we're going to really be sticklers about it, then that means Mata green. Pfff.


Funny thing about the weapon. I could have sworn it was supposed to be a glaive. But according to BS01, it was a scythe after all. I even checked the source, Birth of a Dark Hunter, just to make extra certain. Yup. Well then, at least that'll help him look cooler.


BS01 also corrected me on Tuyet's weapon. I thought it was a trident, but it turns out that that was Toa Nikila's weapon. Tuyet had a barbed broadsword. Gosh, now I have this really cool trident and no Toa to wield it. . . :plain: :huh: ^_^


Thanks for the input, Shine. I appreciate it.



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BS01 also corrected me on Tuyet's weapon. I thought it was a trident, but it turns out that that was Toa Nikila's weapon. Tuyet had a barbed broadsword.
I was going to poke that too, but it's far too cool to change. OR, make Nikila as well. =3
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Yeah, I was mostly coming in here to say that Nidhiki needs a really awesome scythe and that Tuyet has a broadsword. With barbs!


But yeah, the trident needs to go to a good cause. I believe that Nikila suffices.


Otherwise, Tuyet in particular is awesome. Excellent work son.

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Tuyet is hot. This I must admit.


However, the Trident displeases me muchly; the handle is too amusingly thick, and the trident isn't very tridenty. please remake it when you build Nikila <3


Nidhiki on the other hand I dislike. I dislike that mask (always have. Give him a Kualsi. You know you want to) and the colours simply wash together. Go with Shine's idear please.


But they're both pretty cool.



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Tuyet is hot. This I must admit.


However, the Trident displeases me muchly; the handle is too amusingly thick, and the trident isn't very tridenty. please remake it when you build Nikila <3


Nidhiki on the other hand I dislike. I dislike that mask (always have. Give him a Kualsi. You know you want to) and the colours simply wash together. Go with Shine's idear please.


But they're both pretty cool.



The trident is bulky-looking because I figure a Nui-stone-enhanced Toa can afford to pack heat of melodramatically epixaggerated proportions. (The actual handle part in her hand would be of normal thickness.) The lack of traditional tridentiness is because I was inspired to make it more of an axe/sceptre/laser/spear hybrid type of trident. :evilgrin:


I'm having a heck of a time coming up with an original, yet decent-looking barbed broadsword. :wacko:


Nikila is almost done. <3 Her trident is very, very different from Tuyet's. :D When you get inspired, you run with it, eh?


I've switched out Nidhiki's lime for dark/sand green. It does look a lot more Nidhiki-ish. The canonical Volitak stays, though -- its skull-like features are very much to my personal tastes. You'll notice I've removed the nasty Mahri-tumour off the chin.



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So, just glancing at these, I like Tuyet a lot. Her 'boots' and skirt jump out at me in particular. And her trident is awesome. But I'm not so sure about the red. I'll get back to you on that once I see her with the proper light blue in her arms; it's sort of hard to judge with the white and medium blue in there.


But Nidhiki just makes me think "no." Lime and silver do not go together like this. Part of the problem is that they're both the same value (meaning the lightness or darkness of a color), though now that I think about it the same is true on Tuyet. I think it's more pronounced here because lime is a much brighter color than light blue, so the combination of it and silver is a bit much, since there's no contrast to either of them.


What would be pretty cool is dark green and Mata green. Sand green's an awesome color, but in the distribution you edited in, I feel like it's in competition with the silver.


Also, he's flat. Way too flat. And next to the delightfully adorned Tuyet he seems overly simplistic. He could do with at least a little more to him, particularly in his chest, since though it's deeper than an Inika chest, it's still way too thin compared to the shoulders. The shoulders and their width being the greater problem.


I do like the Viking horns stuck in his mask, though.

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