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Transformers 2 Figs I Dig?



Be warned, these are figure spoiler pics.


I've seen all the Transformers 2 figures revealed so far (I'd say that's most of them in total).


Hideous. They're ugly. Hated the first movie, hated those darn figures.

ALL I bought of the first movie's figures was Meantime... a wristwatch guy that wasn't even in the movie!


So anyway, here's 2 GOOD Transformers 2 figures i'll probably buy...


The first is a "Fast Action Battler" kiddy version of the character. I might not get him in this size incarnation, but hopefully the larger versions stay true to this look.

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Lol, "DEVASTATION" Punch Action. Indeed, indeed.


What's beautiful about this is while all the other figures look AWFUL, this one was designed (I think?) by a fan, from a picture that's been bopping around over a year now.

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As a result, it looks good.

Pretty faithful.



Second is a tiny scout figure. Not anything to scream about, but the body shape and definitely the coloring hits me good.

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So there you have it.

I haven't seen any other good looking figures. Even the main enemy the movie's named after is a bunch of Michael Bay droppings. And Jetfire... poor Jetfire. He's never looked so bad in his toy life. That's saying something, because the Animated one seemed like his lowest point.

Still, I hope this means that if they do more movies, they'll use more fan designs.


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As much as I think the Movie designs look awesome on screen, I don't like the toys, and bought nothing from the first movie.


I haven't seen much from this new movie that interests me, in toy form (I think the movie forms look pretty awesome though).


I think I might like Sideswipe, though. I dig the wheeled feet and giant scissor-like blades on his arms. Plus his alt-mode is pretty.


I'm disappointed Animated is ending, as that's the one toy aesthetic since Beast Wars I've been able to really get into. I hate the new Universe line, just as I disliked the Classics line before it. I think the six or so Animated toys I've purchased have really made an impact on me. All the more 'realistic and detailed' toys from yesteryears (and the future, of course) just lack the character and spark that make the Animated toys so awesome.

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Breakaway... monkey toes and practically a whole nother freaking jet's worth of metal above his head. The G1 Wheelie peekaboo thing didn't work then and it doesn't work now.


Ransack... I'll be nice and actually bother explaining lol. Okay, his feet are terrible and tiny, like the lamest MachineRobo you could think of that uses wafery wings as feet.

His mighty (lol) robot arm is held up by... a thin wing... that's not connected to the chest... so ALL the servos and junk that move that arm are contained in just the upper part of his arm.



Dirt Boss... you know? I actually do like him. Just not enough to buy.

Oh, I'm so, so close... but it's the tonfa-like extensions on the arms. Would it have KILLED them to make the whole fork apparatus removable?

Yeah, I'm close, but if I had enough money for Dirt Boss versus ANY Lego set... I'd always choose the Lego set... even if it was Duplo.

Just like with Lego sets, it looks like Dirt Boss might have been much cooler in an incarnation before the penny-pinching budgeting department got ahold of him.

Nice character design and vehicle though.

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Oh dear.


I just looked this up.


And I have to say I agree with you, there's maybe two I would buy. Demolisher (only cause the robot form I saw is so ridiculous) and Soundwave.


Aside from those two, the Bumblebee is the only other one that looks remotely interesting.

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And I usually despise that. But hey, a non-removable arm cannon is at least not as bad as forklift tongs blocking your hands (thus rendering them useless pretty much).


I'm disappointed Animated is ending, as that's the one toy aesthetic since Beast Wars I've been able to really get into.


I know... they're insane I tell you. Imagine if it got a 4th and 5th season... it's so doable.

They should scrap the giant, dorky Devastator toy and just go straight to Omega Supreme, complete with miniature figures to sit in the cockpit.


Well, at least it starts up again on March 14th. Check your local torr...ERR tv listings.

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But BB is the same. Just like Prime, and all the guys who survived last time.


Hey...Knockout has an ARM CANNON.

Prime is a brand new mold, as is Starscream. Bumblebee is a slight retooling, as is Ironhide. Megatron is brand new, and most of the characters are brand new period.

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But BB is the same. Just like Prime, and all the guys who survived last time.


Hey...Knockout has an ARM CANNON.


Bumblebee is a lot smoother from the looks of it.


I say that with Bumblebee toy sitting within a twitch of my arm.

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LOL... new pics of the large Fallen figure just came out.


Along with it came out all the HATE I knew the apologists harbored inside of them lol.


Awesome. Maybe Animated will get a better chance of continuing once Hasbro sees the projectile vomit going on.


It really is a bad figure... his hands are like on Beast Machines STRIKA for crying out loud!


In fact, it looks like "Daddy" if Strika was "Mommy" and movie Starscream was baby.

I guess they think they're cashing in on the Bionicle look and the twisted cable look of Terminator : Salvation creations.


Shoulda' just concentrated on meshing the awful movie designs into the classic designs better. They stopped being themselves and it HURTS.

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Awesome. Maybe Animated will get a better chance of continuing once Hasbro sees the projectile vomit going on.

The TF:A wave that consisted of Hydrodrive Bumblebee and Golfire Grimlock just got canceled. What do you think?

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A few things, actually:


--That they'll show up later as some over-priced exclusive.


--That at least Bumblebee will come out, with his bubble watersled thing painted yellow, as it looks an AWFUL lot like his G1 Cybertron mode from the very first episode.


--That this news hits the first day that the AWFUL Fallen pics come out, meaning it could be Hasbro (or someone) culling data on which lines should get attention based on fan reaction.


--That data is being culled on what figures fans say, "Darn, I was hoping (blank) still manages to get a figure!".


--That this is a good thing... these were kinda' "boring" when you realize it's money better spent on getting the REST of the Animated characters in toy form.


--Grimlock. Gold. Just buy me a marker, ok?


--Rockefeller, ninjas, Queen of England...

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Pleh, the movie toys are infinately worse than the characters, except maybe Soundwave. Devastator in particular looks AWFUL.
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The figures for the characters in the movie are very lousy. Not to say the movie characters are awful too, just the figurines. My friend bought some and said they were some very boring Transformers. He loved the movie and the design of the characters, but didn't like the figures.


My thought's on the "villians".


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Devastator's movie form look's WAY different from what I remember them as. He has way too many colors, and the head look's awkward, so does the rest of him. He's basically just a torso on a large wheel. Ugh.


The Fallen is spindly and strange looking. He wouldn't make a very menacing figure, I can tell you that.

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I look at the Fallen figure and see just a bunch of inspirations haphazardly thrown together.


I see someone trying to cash in on the designs of Terminator : Salvation coming out soon.

I see someone trying to incorporate H.R.Giger's Alien look.

I see (ew) the nightmare that was last year's Megatron (who isn't too different in this movie).

And the worst thing is the unintentional thing I see... Beast Machines Strika's hands... which are totally unforgivable.


This is just a mishmosh, a complete mess... like just about all the bad guys are!

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