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My Dog Is Obsessed With Cheese...

Iruini Nuva


...and carrot sticks too. I'm not joking. Mention cheese, wander near the fridge, or do something that could even vaguely involve cheese, and she'll be right there in an instant. If I'm her target, then she'll hop and scramble around me wishing for (and even trying to get) a piece. If one of my parents or sisters has the cheese, the dog will employ a different tactic - staring. :plain: Not merely those puppy dog eyes that normally come with begging :begging:, but more of the crazed, manaical look that means "Give to me, give it to me NOW!" Often, she'll get what she wanted. The other thing that she loves are ice cubes, in fact, she'll often choose an ice cube over the cheese. This desire often makes her do some rather daring things. For example, if you slide the cube across the floor, she'll skid after it. If the ice bounces off a wall, she'll try to turn, but often end up bouncing off the wall herself. If the cube goes under a chair, she'll slide right into it as well. If the ice rolls onto the carpet, the dog will usually do a nose dive (and occasionally a 360) due to the terrain change. Needless to say, a tray full of ice cubes can provide plenty of entertainment. :evilgrin:


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My 14-year-old dog does the same thing. But she has kidney and pancease problems so we can't give it to her.


HI-You do mean crackers right?

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LOL, kinda sounds like one of the cats I used to have with the ice. Just go and play around with it, skidding here and there and literally walking on walls to get to the ice LOL :superfunny:

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