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Why's It Cloudy In Here?



I can hardly breathe, what's going on?!?


I can't even see what I'm...








Oh, no wait...




I think...




Yeah. Yeah. THERE it is.




I knew it had to be something because like...


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I'm not much of a smoker- in fact, I don't really intend to smoke, but considering the large amounts of smoke rising from it, perhaps you could devise some MoC that would funnel the smoke from that in an interesting manner? You know, like sort of a chimney, but with all sorts of other things in it to make it look fancy, and perhaps make the smoke glow? Just a thought.





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And those are just nasty lookin.


Plus, cigarrette smoke is well known for creating dust like is seen on that giant kanohi there.....


Not to mention killzorz on the lungs.


Nasty habit man.....

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Nah, a habit is a thing you do like in a habit kind of way. I do this maybe once every few weeks.

I smoke like a TON at once, then that's it for a month, sometimes longer. For the life of me, I've yet to encounter "cravings" I hear so much about.


These bodies we got are far more resilient and at our command than people would have people believe. Same goes for the mind. I bet if I gave into the "OMG ur gonna' die and you are now ADDICTED!" thing, I'd probably be dying and addicted.

If there's people on this earth who are able to make themselves ill before a test at school, or people who can make their hands bleed like a stigmata based on faith... then what I'm talking about is mere baby stuff.


The dust on it came from moving. The dork who helped bring my boxes in put it in the attic and at some point it fell into insulation dust. (While getting wet from a leaky roof. Lovely!)

The other identical parts I had are squeaky clean, and they've been out in the open all this time. Like 2 feet to the right of these pics actually lol.


And those are just nasty lookin.

Looking? The smell of a filter fire is much worse than it's appearance. :lol:

You got the easy one!

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Smoking is bad for Lego!


To each his own though, once that nicotine gets a hold of you it is very hard to quit from what I have heard/see every day. We sell more cigs in the station then most smokeshops!

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You aren't worried that posting this will influence some 11-year-old to start smoking? "Hey, that cool dude Jinzo smokes -- and he's not addicted!"


Yeah, me neither. :P



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You aren't worried that posting this will influence some 11-year-old to start smoking? "Hey, that cool dude Jinzo smokes -- and he's not addicted!"


Yeah, me neither. :P




Hey, that cool Jinzo guy smokes. I should too!!*smokes*
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You aren't worried that posting this will influence some 11-year-old to start smoking? "Hey, that cool dude Jinzo smokes -- and he's not addicted!"
Problem is, Jinzo's a loser. :P
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A cool loser.




Yeah, your LEGO drops dramatically in value. But who would sell LEGO anyway?




If you're not addicted ("I can stop any time I want to!"), then..why don't you stop? Is it somehow satisfying? Does the tar and burnt paper taste good? I don't understand this.

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If you're not addicted ("I can stop any time I want to!"), then..why don't you stop? Is it somehow satisfying? Does the tar and burnt paper taste good?

I like the flavor. Now, certainly there's foods that are supposedly not good for one. Does one stop eating them too? No, that'd be silly. Should they eat it all the day, numerous amounts a day? No, that'd be silly too.

Everything in moderation.


As for "I can stop anytime I want to"... I can. I do. It's not hard at all. The funniest thing is when people believe it's impossible and bet money. A month? 2 months? Not even a blink of an eye.



post Feb 25 2009, 02:11 PM


You aren't worried that posting this will influence some 11-year-old to start smoking?


Better question... were these pics sexy in any way at all?


Not really. :D



post Feb 25 2009, 04:22 PM


Problem is, Jinzo's a loser.


Man, first you joke I'd be hittin' on younguns now today it's I'm a loser.


Du hasst.

Du hasst mich.



post Feb 25 2009, 01:22 PM


once that nicotine gets a hold of you it is very hard to quit from what I have heard/see every day.


And I don't get that. I've seen people's lives RUINED by it. That seems so alien and weird.


But then, I remember I live in a world of people who let live-action Scooby Doo and Garfield movies be made, start wars over superior creatures that may or may not exist, play the same mediocre songs on the radio 9 million times a day, sell tons of videogames based on contact sports instead of side-scrolling shooters and think the world's overheating just because the idea's repeated to them over and over scientific data be trashed.


So really, what the heck's surprising me? I don't want to be insensitive about it, but I think complete and total boredom has a lot do to with most addicts.

All that wasted energy...


Bitter Cold

post Feb 25 2009, 06:27 PM


A cool loser.


Let's not get carried away. I'm just honest and open, no matter what happens next. : p


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