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My New Crush

The Fallen Amph


Might as well get onto this: yes, I've moved on to someone else. Well this started about a month ago (Mid-January):


So "new" people aren't confused: Amanda was this girl I liked (which I don't anymore) for about a year, in which a lot of events regarding the both of us have happened, to know more, just read some of my past entries.


To make things clear, I'm just going to start using names straight-up. Since the beginning of the year (7th grade, not 2009), I've been mid-friends/aquantinces with this one girl (Kaylee) in my Math class, who has sit near me a couple times (but it's kinda faded over time). I have been mildly attracted to her friend (Lauren), who's in my Math class too, since the biginning of the year too... mildly... But I didn't think much of it since I had Amanda on my mind at the time. Then in, I think Mid december, I was assigned to sit next to Lauren, with Kaylee sitting behind us (and one of Amanda's guy friends was sitting next to her. I thought sitting near him would be wierd, but actually, he's a cool dude :) ).


Over the next couple of weeks (nearly every class) Me, Kaylee, and Amanda's friend, engaged in conversation. With Lauren coming in occasionally, but as I've learned by sitting next to her, she's a shy person, doesn't really talk much. It's not like she's "scared" of everyone. She's just not as outgoing as Kaylee or Amanda. She didn't act like she liked me much, but as time moved on, that kind of changed. Just to put it out there (for other parts of this entry), near the time of finals, I made a joke where when our teacher said something, I finished it silently by saying "You're basically screwed" (Example: Teacher; "So if you don't bring a pencil to finals-" Me: "You're basically screwed."). After one of those times: Lauren; "*tiny giggle* you're basically screwed :) ."


After the semester ended (about a month ago), we got a new seating chart, and I was about as far away from Lauren as physically possible, in the classroom. Now this where I started officially liking her (meh... to a degree):


One day, they were writing notes to eachother across the room from me during class. After a while, they balled up the peice of paper they were writing on (so they could throw it) and tossed it over to where I was sitting... so here comes the diagram >< Prepare for "Analyst Amph"


Girl 1 Girl 2----Girl 3 Guy 1


Girl 4 Me-----Guy 2 Girl 5


OK, that's the seating arangment. The "X" is where it landed. A bit after that, Kaylee said to Girl 2, "Give it to... *Something I couldn't hear quite clearly*... (Some name that ended in "L" [i. e. Me, Michael])".


Now, all of the people sitting in that area don't have an "L" ending name (except for the girl she was talking to, but why would she ask her to give it to herself?), but before the girl could pick it up, the teacher saw.


Now, this guy is a real joker, and passing notes isn't new to him. He came over and picked it up. Everyone was basically yelling, "Read it in front of the class!". Also, Kaylee and Lauren were blushing like mad. Kaylee was giggling, but Lauren was blushing with a "shocked" look. As I said, this guy was a joker, he read it in front of the class... to himself. [sarcasm] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA VERY FUNNY!!!!! [/sarcasm] .... <_<


Sooooo... yeah. I know it doesn't mean that they/she likes me or anything, but... ya gotta think, wonder.


But then the next class, I had to correct Lauren's paper. She gave to me, then scurried away nervously (Like, in a shy, You know what I'm talking about way). Afterwards, I just put a star next to the grade to be nice... [hint][hint]


Now, I don't know if I just have a lot of time to think, but... ya I do. I was thinking about those other girls I liked/liked me, and their plausable opinions about me, how they look, etc.


It's just that... eeerrrruuhhh... I just suddenly liked Lauren a lot better now. I all of a sudden started to get a lot of "funny" looks from across the rooms after these events occuredI just think it's cool that we've actually met, and I actually know her. Also her friends don't think I'm an Id*ot. And she knows me.


JUST to be clear, I don't like Lauren JUST because that note may have been her saying she likes me.

I've just been thinking about a lot of stuff lately, and I find her a good decision.


Let's skip onto about a week before Valentine's Day. I had been discussing this with "Greivous's Malevalence", for some advive. Time being a factor, I chose to ask her out (not bluntly but... saying I liked her and some other stuff, then asking her out). I spent the whole week procrastinating, until Friday the 13th (Where my school was having these wierd Valentine's Day specials, like buying roses, and sending your "special someone" a valentine-gram), I was out of options. It was lunch, and I knew if I waited until after school, I would nerve-out. I went the cowards way out, I asked one of my good friends (who's in my Math class, and sat near Lauren at the time) to ask Lauren (when got the chance) to have her meet me by our lockers (since her's mine are nearly right next to each other) to ask her something. I was disapointed to find out that she didn't meet me. But I have a very plausable answer to that: She rides the bus and is hardly at her locker after school anyway, so this isn't an anomaly.


On the following Tuesday, I asked my friend what happened. He said that when he asked her, she was kind of annoyed. NOT by the fact that I wanted to meet her, but by the fact that she was tired at the time he asked her.


So nothing has happened since then (except that I still get those looks in Math), so I've chosen (unless you guys can give me some good ideas) to take it slow until a good opurtunity/idea irises. I'll just find oppurtunities to be polite, and help her.


But when something does happen:


Here are some possible consiquences:



  • She ends up thinking I'm gross (for some unknown reason) and I end up with the awkwardness... because our lockers are next to each other. ><
  • She's already dating someone and doesn't like me.
  • She's already dating someone, and would like to go out with me if she wasn't already with someone else (bad/good)
  • Just plain doesn't like me
  • She already likes me
  • She likes me plainly
  • She says yes after thinking about it.
That's all I'm gonna post for now, as I'm very tired.


BUT, why am I so sure that Arch Angel is going to immediatly disprove 90% of my theories. :P




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I get the feeling something's gonna happen. You're an awesome guy and good-lookin' too. I'm not sure about some of the theories, though... I'll let Arch Angel take care of that part.

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So Amph, I know we haven't chatted in a while, but has anything happened?


Meh.. just the same nervous,shy stuff.


But I think I'm gonna attempt something this week.


But, is it a good or a bad thing where a girl doesn't really hang out with guys? Just wondering... as she doesn't.

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