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Rampant Flaming And Indecency!



Can you imagine what it'll be like for mods on websites like 5 years from now?


I imagine a lot of messageboards will have video responses, as camera tech gets simpler and every off-the-shelf computer can easily handle the workload.


Mods would have to WATCH every entry.

They'll have to look for "illegal" things in the background, make discretionary calls on if someone's tone of voice is being snotty or not, decide if someone was dressed inappropriately, wonder if body language is implying anything not allowed...


It's going to be a whole world of PAIN for them! :o





















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Mmmm, on top of that, there's the whole videophone effect. Only since people on the internet tend to be a bit, erm, questionable in their upkeep, they will likely not care that they haven't showered in days and that they look a bit fugly. We already see it happening in vlogs.

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Ah. By then I shall be as moderator, jumping from topic to topic stabbing them with my banshank.

And then Jinzo will be some old guy in corner, waving his cane and saying "I told you wippesnapers that this'll happen!"
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And then Jinzo will be some old guy in corner, waving his cane and saying "I told you wippesnapers that this'll happen!"

Sad part is, this has already happened.

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And then Jinzo will be some old guy in corner, waving his cane and saying "I told you wippesnapers that this'll happen!"

Sad part is, this has already happened.




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