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Neccy's 2009/2010 Wishlist



And yes it contains Macs. If you need my thoughts on the OS wars, click here and know I'm not going to stand any bashing of the OS, hardware or myself for liking it. Any comments of that nature will be deleted, regardless of whether you're a friend or not.


Stuff I want;

New guitar(Not sure what yet) - $350-$2,000

1980's Marshall Mosfet Lead 100 amp head - $190(Negotiable as it's used on the local Craigslist)

Queen "Crown Jewels" boxed set of the first eight studio albums - $122

Apple iBook - $100-$500

Apple MacBook - $900-$1,400

Various games - $10-$60

New non-DSi DS in case that crack in the hinge of my current one becomes more than a crack - $120


Stuff I may/probably need;

New computer(Tried various things including system restores, wiping and reinstalling of the Linux partition and many other things I'd prefer not to list due to length, none of them worked) - $100-$1,400

1980's Marshall Mosfet Lead 100 amp head - $190

New guitar - $350-$2,000


Stuff I pretty much need;

1980's Marshall Mosfet lead 100 amp head - $190

New computer - $100-$1,400


Now I just need to figure out which between those two I need first; stable computer or loudness in band. Hoping to have all of this before 2010, even what I don't need.


Recommended Comments

The Queen boxset is unacceptable unless it is 100% Vinyl.


And even then, just barely worth it.


Amphead on otherhand, is entirely worth it and is needed more than new computer.

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