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Toa Jovan Review



Just a little while ago, I used Toa Hewkii, Toa Nuparu, and, with his permission, my brother's Toa Hahli and went on Bionicle.com and built Toa Jovan. And what a Toa he is!


First of all, that first picture is deceiving; remember how people complained how he looked like Nuparu with a few add-ons? Far from it; the only two similarities in building I found were how the shoulder armor attached and the legs, both of which each have something still unique to Jovan alone (like Hewkii's gunmetal spiked feet of death on his shoulders).


Looking at him, Jovan looks like he's been through a lot. He's the most heavily armored Bionicle since the Makuta set, and even then he rivals the Master of Shadows. Yep, at only Inika size (height-wise), he's got more armor than even Keetongu. His chest armor sticks out just shy of an inch, which is pretty freakin' far, considering his size. He's the most aggressive-looking Toa ever. Yes, even more so than Hewkii. He almost reminds me of a mix between Rambo and a Predator; Rambo is the fact that he's got a multi-shot zamor launcher in his left hand, and in his right is a crossbow-type weapon, made with Hahli's harpoon and two zamor cartridges. "Jovan, we've got Visorak!" *locks and loads dual weapons* "Bring 'em."


The Predator part is the decals: a chain wrapped across his chest, Nuparu claws attached to his breastplate like the trophies of a successful hunt, and these tubes attaching to his arms from his back (the flexible pieces on a zamor launcher). Nuparu's spiked mask of death adds to it, too.


I'm glad they used Hahli's sleeker gunmetal breastplate for Jovan's instead of Hewkii's bulky one. It looks way better. My only gripes are that his legs look too skinny to support all that upper-body weight (it actually holds up well, just looks awkward) and the button to make the weapon flash is a bit hard to reach. It's kinda hard to explain, but if you've built him you'll know what I mean. Hahli's blue pelvis piece looks out of place between his chest and chestplate, too. I mean, when the whole thing is metallic gunmetal, black and gray, a big blue piece sticking out of the top of his armor looks mighty odd.


But I can look around that stuff. Oh, and considering how bulky Jovan is, Nuparu's feet look normal and not like clown shoes like they do on a regular Inika.


When I look at a set, I tend to think of what kind of voice would come from their mouth. Like Zaktan, I try to think hissy, multiplied voiced. When I look at Jovan, I hear two: considering what his personality might've been like (I've always thought pretty noble), one is the same voice Commodore Norrington from Pirates of the Caribbean, and the other, when he looks like Death Incarnate, is Sam Elliot's voice. He's the old guy with the deep, gravely voice in the Ghost Rider trailer.


Overall, is Jovan worth taking the time to build? Abso-freaking-lutely. As bulky as he is, it looks normal, for the most part, and his more Dark Hunter of Death look rather than a Toa look is really, really cool. Very bad (good bad). As unnatural as his legs look with the rest of his body, he's extremely sturdy and balanced. How the guy managed to fly with all that armor is beyond me. ;)


Well, there's my review of Toa Jovan. Highly recommend you build him if you have the time. It's not extremely hard, but not as easy as building an Inika, and the building process seems to go pretty quick. If you have trouble determining which pieces are Hahli's white and Nuparu's light gray, I can tell you that it's mostly Nuparu's gray with only two white Hahli pieces at then end while building his main weapon.


Hopefully I'll have pics by tomorrow or Saturday. Hope you enjoyed this!


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