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Brenmac's Guide To Making School Better

MT Zehvor


From The Bionicles Try To Run A House comes Brenmac's guide to fixing school. Here it is in his special blue font:


A Handy Dandy Guide-School


We all hate it. We all go to it. School. *Sigh* I mean seriously,who doesn't hate going to that boring biulding for six hours on end,then coming home with a truckload of homework? I certainly know MisterMatoro,MT,and I don't. So I'm making a Handy Dandy Guide to Make Schools Go-to-able,enjoyable,and complaint-free.


Step 1:Make schools a better place to be.

Why do you think school shootings are happening these days? Because schools are horrible coreholes that's why. You people have to restrict everything. From our appearence to our accessories you guys won't stop will you? I'll be focusing on the most pointless of all them. Hats. That's right people,hats! I have one thing to say to this:It's a f*cking hat. What's it gonna do? It it gonna jump off my head and on go on a killing spree throughout the school? Will Jason Vorhees come out and turn the following events into a real life version of Friday the 13th Part Remake? I don't think so. Also,why are a lack of rules for threatning and bullying? These kinds of pointless rules need to end.


Step 2:Stop giving us so much homework!

MisterMatoro will agree with me on here. I don't know why after six hours in there,our still insist on giving us homework. There's no point n doing that. At least don't give us too much. Because if you stress a child out like that,he will grab a gun,shoot up the school. And I'm sure we don't want that to happen,right?


Step 3:Teachers are here to TEACH us!

That's they're job. You're here to teach us about Math,science,ELA,etc.,not be our parents. But then again you are to teach us how to be the people of the future,but remember what you're there to do. You're here for us(and maybe an easy payday,like H-Wood.)To give advice,and to prepare us for the future. Don't try to be our parents.


Step 4:The students need to act like civilized people!

Another reason I don't like going to school is because don't like my classmates. One won't shut up and has the IQ of a sqirrel. Four act pretty tough(thery're all,BTW). One I used to consider my friend. And the rest are all blubbering i-d-i-o-t-s.

I'm surprised I haven't gone insane yet.


Step 5:The Cafeteria "Food".

While the cafeteria in your school isn't a 5-Star resturaunt,or your local Burger King,it is a place where you eat. But could you at least make the food of some quality? Are the cooks in for a payday too? Seriously,I tried the food once,and my vomit could taste better! One of my friends said the cafeteria pizza tastes like Pizzeria Regina style pizza. Yeah right. You can't beat Pizzeria Regina,and that's that.


And finally,Step 6,

Step 6:Stop taking away our freedom and rights!

If there's one thing more important to me than my family,it's my rights as an american citizen. I can understand BZP doing this,but a school is intolerable! There shouldn't be anything we can't say or look like.




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So it's a rant, not really a guide... And it's a rant that narrowly bypasses the word filter twice. >_>


Not to sound like a troll, but really, Brenmac could afford to be a little more mature. Yes, public schools are horrible (hence why I'm now homeschooled). But Brenmac seems to have made it out to be a lot worse than it really is. (For the rest of this comment, "you" refers to Brenmac for the sake of convenience.)


For one thing, you imply there aren't rules for threatening and bullying? Yes, there are, I guarantee you. Check your school's handbook again. The thing is, if no one gets caught, no one gets punished. So just always try to make sure whoever's doing it gets caught. Or, you know, you can just report them.


As for homework, it is ridiculous, but you can use class time to do it (I don't care if they say it isn't allowed, just don't get caught). Homework is actually why I asked my parents to take me out of public school (but I didn't pick up a gun and shoot up the school ;)).


I'm totally not getting what you're saying with step 3; how do teachers parent you?


Step 4 I found rather hypocritical, given that you haven't sounded particularly civil yourself throughout this "guide". And honestly, I doubt all your classmates are morons (there's a word you could've used instead of bypassing the filter): have you even tried to get to know them? You don't know who could be a good friend. Besides, am I really supposed to believe that you're somehow better than everyone else in your school? That's a typical cynic right there, complaining about the world as if everyone is below him.


The cafeteria cooks are paid to prepare frozen food and sell it to children who couldn't be bothered to make their own lunch. Blame the people who are selling them the food, not the cooks or the school itself. And if it's really so much of a problem, just bring a brown-bag lunch. Seriously.


Schools do have a right to take away your freedom of expression. The only people who, by law, cannot take away your rights are the government. That's it. The First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Re-read the Constitution.


Also, throughout this rant you use the phrase "in for a payday". So would you rather have people volunteer to educate you and feed you at school? Because trust me, then you would be a lot worse off. ;)


Anyway, that's my take on this. If anyone takes the time to read it and take it to heart, hopefully it will have really made school better for you instead of just complaining about how bad it is.

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You know, now that I think about it, and even though Brenmac is a friend of mine, well.... the guy above does have a point.


Not on top of his head, either.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Yeah,you guys are right. I acted like a screaming kid there. I think the reason is because I hate school and I've always wanted to tear it to shreds. I really want to do HDGs on TV Shows and Movies,things like that. Expect the next one to be posted this Thursday,and a week later,a 2-in-1 special.


I might end up sending the guides to MT via PM,and can post the guides here as individual blog entries.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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