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God Bless My Ear Ache



God had blessed me with a blocked ear, thus giving me an excuse to stay in bed on my laptop instead of going to school.


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What does that exactly? Just like hardened earwax or something? :huh:

Lolz. im talking to JINZONINGEN about earwax....


Well yeah kinda, and im off school cuz i cant hear a thing from my ear.

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Well, you've already "beaten" school. Now it's time to get that stuff out so you can enjoy the rest of the day.


--Head tilted sideways on table.

--Bowl of lukewarm water.

--Plastic straw.


A lot of patience and wetness. : p


Just... you know... don't like stick the straw in your ear or whatnot...

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I had a earache once.


Turned out to be a ear infection with a perforated eardrum. >_>


So better be careful. =P

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Don't be jabbin' Q-tips in there either. Just pushes everything further back.

Lift your head up every few minutes and snag stuff that comes out or is really close to the outside, but no pokin'.

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Don't be jabbin' Q-tips in there either. Just pushes everything further back.

Lift your head up every few minutes and snag stuff that comes out or is really close to the outside, but no pokin'.


You seem to know an awful lot about ear wax. =P

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Don't be jabbin' Q-tips in there either. Just pushes everything further back.

Lift your head up every few minutes and snag stuff that comes out or is really close to the outside, but no pokin'.

Nothings coming out, its all jammed in there, im taking tablets then im gunna get it syringed O_o


Edit: Zeddys post has been added to my quotes list :P

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You seem to know an awful lot about ear wax. =P


Nah, I never had this myself. Just remember a radio show I heard while driving a few years back... the host, a doctor, was on vacation in the Caribbean away from civilization and had to improvise. He had some weird infection from diving that resulted in hardened earwax.


Granted, he had had his friend as a final step use the straw again to blow the water from his mouth into his ear... but he did point out that wouldn't have been necessary... just quicker.


More importantly, WHY do I remember it so vividly?

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God blessed me with something. It's called artwork. XD


I had an ear infection. Turns out something was making my eardrum bleed. Disgusting, eh? Well what is more disgusting is that the earwax mixed with blood, so it was bloody earwax. Get better, Sy.



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God blessed me with something. It's called artwork. XD


I had an ear infection. Turns out something was making my eardrum bleed. Disgusting, eh? Well what is more disgusting is that the earwax mixed with blood, so it was bloody earwax. Get better, Sy.



*Holds back barf* Thanks i wi-*BARF*...

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