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The Return Of The Rahkshi

MT Zehvor


Skrall Unit 324 here, in place of Toa MT to make this important announcement. Recently, 4 Mask, a Rahkshi who once tried to overtake the house, has joined forces with the Space Pirates. The Skrall Science Team was able to decode some of their messages. Here they are.


The imbecile who made the Save Seal out of Brinstone was immediately fed to Ridley.

A robot stole my sandwich.

Why did the people who made this base make it so confusing? I'm lost...and hungry. Oh, look over there. Someone's here to save me. Hmm... He/She doesn't look like one of us. It's coming closer. AAGGHH! What was that for!? You shot me! The pain!!! QUIT!!!! Ow!!! Stop it with the arm cannon!!! I'm not Solid snake!!!!

Whoever proposed using steroids on the Elites and Berserkers, please report to Central Command for disintegration.

All untis, repel the Hunter upon sight. Command felt the word "kill" was too optimistic.

High command Ridley would like to remind everyone at this time that you are supposed to throw the grenades BEFORE they explode.

Leader Dark Samus promoted me to Pirate Manager. Now I can tell you cool dudes what to do and make laws to prove it!



Science team is completely baffled as to what the last one means


We will report as soon as we intercept more messages.


-Skrall Unit 324


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You're right TS. You just did a quarter of it. Oh, and its "ogre", not "oger". SPELLING BLASTER! *shoots all of you with that*


Mental organism designed only for Killing.


Wouldn't it be Metal, not Mental? I like Mesonaks better. Hey MILR, you think you could replace one of those Toa Senecas masks with that in your little commedy thing?


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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:superfunny: And Levacius, what do you mean? I don't use the Seneca in my comedy.

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