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The Easiest Way To Make Up Your Mind



Wii reservations became available today. It started at about 10 am CST, when I was sitting in class. I would've skipped, but I decided I've already used up my leniency on Twins games last week.


Whatever the case, they aren't available anymore. The stores in my area are all out. The local Gamestop, for example, sold out of their 14 essentially before the store opened. Fortunately I wasn't the guy who stood in line for two hours after being told he wasn't getting one...only to go "Hmmm..." like some half-wit when the guy at the counter told me the same thing people had been saying for said two hours.


Essentially, this makes up my mind on the Wii, at least for now. I've put feelers out to see what my odds are of picking one up as a holiday gift. My birthday's out of the question as that's about two weeks prior to release. Unfortunately X-Mas comes about two weeks after the release of Twilight Princess on the Gamecube.


Basically that leaves me from November 19th until December 12th to decide if I want to get a Wii or not. And how I'm getting one for that matter. Otherwise I'm going to run into some hassles with which version I should buy.


Also, I've got a Gamecube that I won't be needing anymore. Once I figure out what I'm doing Wiiwise, that will be available for sale. Don't know if it'll be to Gamestop to make up some cash towards Wii, or if I could make a few extra bucks by selling it used online. I figure somebody out there still wants one of these. If I can sell it to them and save them a few bucks comparred to Gamestop's price, while still making a bit more than the store would give me...I might as well cut the middleman and do that. It's how I swapped my DSPhat for a DSLite.


So I've really only temporarily made up my mind. Fortunately the whole sell my Gamecube thing is still good for a few more weeks. At which point I probably will have to pay them to take it away from me.


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