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An Odd Band Meet...



Simply put, only three of the five band members showed up today. Fortunately it was me(guitar, vocals and apparently bass too), the drummer, and the bassist/one of the other guitarists, so we were able to get by with a trio type thing. It actually went pretty well, to the point I'm considering removing the other guitarist and turning it into a four-man band. But I digress for now.


Anyway, the reason it was strange was because for most of it, the bassist was playing my guitar, and I was playing his bass. And it actually worked pretty well. So, quick question for my fellow musicians; should I switch to bass? I did enjoy it and it worked well, but at the same time I've invested over $1,000 in my guitar stuff, and I don't want it to go to waste.


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Umm... If he is willing to swap for some darn good stuff - mebbe - but if not i dunno - also what guitar would you suggest that is cheap and good - also amp...

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