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Who's Crying Now



sorry, that's not a quip, i'm just listening to that journey song : )


hey guys, i'm designing a website for my boss and his music store, and guess what, it's ORANGE. =3


now for a tuesday five. been long enough, right? this week's theme is lame generic questions IN THE CONTEXT OF certain situations

  • What's your favorite color for use in graphics?
  • Who's your favorite band to listen to while you're on the computer?
okay i give up on this theme it's too hard for me
  • Didja miss me?
  • Do you still miss me?
  • What's the weather like? Here we had like two days of weather in the high 60s, which was awesome, but now it's back in the 40s D=

that sound you hear is the mumbled groan of all my readers


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What's your favorite color for use in graphics?

Hmm... probably lime green or bright pink with black.


Who's your favorite band to listen to while your on the computer?

I don't really have a favorite, I just listen to whatever's playing.


Didja miss me?



Do you still miss me?

kinda sorta but not really


What's the weather like? Here we had like two days of weather in the high 60s, which was awesome, but now it's back in the 40s D=

Same plus rain <_<

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1) Like, what kind of graphics? *slow*

2) Relient K and Enya

3) DUH

4) Unnh...YES

5) Dude, same here.Dx We had amazing weather and now it's all cold and rainy...tho that in itself isn't a horrible thing, just not as awesome as sunny and 69 degrees. The fog was incredible this morning.



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I'm too angry with you to answer these


oh who am i kidding i love you


1. yes

3. no

2/5. only on fridays

4. why a turkey

5. "dok is a dork"

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1) Purple, prolly. <3 purple.
2) umdunno lets say eisley
3) You were gone? :???:
4) No not really.
5) Pretty breezy, though not so much as it has been. Moderate cloud cover.

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- Gold

- Queen, Chris Rice, SSC, Japanese New Age, Japanese pop and random other Japanese things.

- Didn't notice you were gone, actually.

- No.

- High 70s with very strong and annoying winds.



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