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What Yall've Missed

The Fallen Amph


Must do it...




Got him on Saturday, as a late birthday present. He's cute, but... it's like having a newborn baby. He's gotton attached to me so quickly, that if I put him in his crate, and leave the room for around 5 minutes, he starts howling/whining horribly. And, since the night I got him, he's woken me up at the early hours of the morning, whining >_<... Hopefully this will blow over soon.


Also, we had 7th grade CRTs last week: Math on Wedsday, Reading/LA on Thursday. Boring. The good thing is, to keep me busy, I just played music in my head and tapped my feet. Hey, it kept me entertained. :P I thought two things (regarding Amanda) were fairly amusing, during this time. First off, on the first day, she was one of the very last people to figure out where they sat (Which was by last name, it's not rocket science). Then, after most people finished the test, she was messing around with one of her friends, in which then one of the partolers gave her a good half-minute lecture. Both made me smirk silently and think, "What a surprise..."


Also, I won off of ebay, this guy:


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From Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the new movie. Sideswipe. From what I've read, he should be good, but meh... that's my opinion. :P


Also, I bought a skateboard about 2/3/4 weeks ago (Along with Glatorian Vorox, just to see how they are doing with these. Two words: Same, Old) with birthday money. It's amazing: I don't suck XD! Seriously, it was my first try and I haven't fallen at all. And I keep my balance :D. The only real problem I have is turning... Hmm.


And I saw Transformers Animated TRANSWARPED last Saturday too. I have too say, as a Transformers fan, it was kick ###### All of the references were fantastic. And they did a good job of cleaning up it's "kiddy-ness". And, If you've noticed, I've updated the song of the week to "Revolution Deathsquad" by Dragonforce (Which is now one of my favorite bands), and I'm in the progress of making an MV of Transwarped to this song, which I may post here.


And, I'm about 6/10 the way done with my S+T entry. It's a music video of all the years, set to !stp. Kloser by Linkin Park.


Yeah, and about Lauren... It's basically the same old stuff. Occasional stares, nervousness vibe when I'm around here... blah, blah, blah.


So, yeah. That's pretty much for now. Maube tommarrow I'll post pics of my new room, but I don't know. Okay, guys, see ya.




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Cool dog. I had tests as well last week, but just in math and Latin.


BTW, I got Vorox (and 3 other Glats......my attempt to quit buying Bionicle failed) and he's not too bad. The others are really good though. Vorox is just a bit tiny. I personally like him though.

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Cool dog. I had tests as well last week, but just in math and Latin.


BTW, I got Vorox (and 3 other Glats......my attempt to quit buying Bionicle failed) and he's not too bad. The others are really good though. Vorox is just a bit tiny. I personally like him though.


Yeah. The puppy's are real chick magnet lol. :D I always get immediate attention when I take him for I walk. Like, I always hear in the distance "ZOMIHGAWD!AYPUHPY!!!!!!!". :P

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