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Wrinkledlion X


You know what always got my goat? How Pop-Eye's arms would swell up so quickly after consuming the spinach. I mean, everybody knows it takes a few minutes for the proteins to metabolize. For crying out loud, what were those cartoon-makers thinking, anyway?


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I think there was some creativity license in there...


But why spinach? Why not something like broccoli? Why not a fully balanced meal? Huh?



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When I was a kid all the shows I watched hammered on how gross spinach was.


But now I've eaten it, and, well...


It really isn't all that good. :/

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Isn't it funny when people try to rationalize kid's shows?

It's like if Spock encountered the Infinite Improbability Drive.

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I think there was some creativity license in there...

But why spinach? Why not something like broccoli? Why not a fully balanced meal? Huh?


It's because someone once misplaced a decimal when studying it, making spinach seem ten times healthier than it actually is.
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Spinach is delicious... Especially with vinegar.


You know what bothers ME? One single scene in Watchmen.


"The roof is about to collapse!"


So what do they do? They fly to the roof, and shoot out the supports to a rooftop water tower that probably holds a ton of water, and let it CRASH DOWN onto the roof, flooding it with water, which should make it COLLAPSE... THAT'S what bothers me...

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