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What are some good books to read? For my liking, I really love J.R.R. Tolkien and Lord of the Rings. Along with other action/adventure/fantasy.


Any suggestions? I'm looking for more books to add to my shelf. And if someone mentions BIONICLE books, I will have to kill you. I already read them - and I like them.




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Alright, I'll be sure to check those out next time I go to the Library [i'll go to a bigger one next time, too =P].


And, I actually haven't read the Eragon series, though I've been wanting to. If they have it next time I go [they didn't last time] then I'll pick it up.



Just don't see the Eragon movie. :uhuh:

(Go ahead and see the Stormbreaker movie though!)


As for libraries, can't you go online to your library's system and have books transferred to your library so you can just pick them up there? I do that all the time and it works out great!






I could, but considering I have at least three libraries within five minutes from my house [two of which in walking distance], it'd probably be easier than to wait for the book to be brought to one.



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C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia is a time-tested fantasy classic.


As far as graphic novels are concerned, I most emphatically second Varaka's recommendation of Jeff Smith's multiple-award-winning Bone series.


For insanely humorous, imaginative, profoundly insightful fantasy, I recommend Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Its SF counterpart would be the cult classic Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy by Douglas Adams.


For hard SF, I recommend starting with anthologies of short stories and branching out from there. I own a copy of one called The Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction, edited by Mike Ashley. Anthologies are an easy way to get acquainted with a broad range of writers. Also, the short story is a uniquely elegant, concise form of fiction.


I'll mention movies, too, while we're on the subject of SF/fantasy. One of my favourite anime fantasy movies is Spirited Away. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is a beautiful piece of cinema. Pan's Labyrinth is an excellent live-action fantasy. For serious SF, check out 2001 and 2010. For comic SF, I recommend The Fifth Element.


Happy browsing!



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