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Things That Come To Mind.



First thing:


The one thing that is incredibly annoying at times in the RPG Request Topic is when material posted in there belongs in one of the other topics, or even a PM. Such as general questions, or questions on the system, or comments that are announcing "That's Spam" when all you'd have to do is report, and all that kind of stuff. Here is where some of that stuff goes.


General RPG Questions should go in the RPG Topic posted in the main forum by Emperor Kraggh. RPGs are discussed frequently there, and practically anyone in that topic would be able to answer your question. You could post a RPG question in NMQ&A, but most of the time the questions posted there are answered either in the COT Rules, COT RPG Guidelines, or the Pinned RPG topics. And, the RPG Topic is pretty much one of the best places to ask those questions, or even PMing someone if you have a question, but would rather not post it somewhere for some reason.


However, if you have a question, I suggest checking the following topics: RPG Topic by Emperor Kraggh, RPG Guidelines by Toaraga, RPG Request Topic - first post by Sisen, COT RPG Approval System (Discussion) - first post by Sisen, and the COT Rules by the COT Staff. All of those topics practically answer all of your questions. And, a RPG F.A.Q is being put together by the Judges, Sisen's idea, which could and should be referred to before asking questions.


Specific RPG questions:


These are questions that are asking about a concept, or a factor in a RPG such as "Should I remove X from my RPG?" or "Do you think X would be cool?" since there are no right or wrong answers, and are asking for opinions of the members, who are the people who play RPGs. These questions mostly go in the RPG Topic by Emperor Kraggh, since that is where the games are normally discussed and actually talked about. If you are asking about something a COT RPG Judge said about your game, and it involves it getting approved, then it would go in the RPG Request topic, or even in the Approval Topic (Discussion). I would suggest the latter, however.


They can also be PMed if you are looking for an individual's opinion on something. These questions generally do not belong in the NMQ&A forum, since it's not asking a question about the site itself, and there are established topics for these questions where the help would get to you by more experienced people in the field, and at a faster pace.


Posts in the Request and Approval (Discussion) topics:


Only ever post in the Request Topic if you are:


-Posting a RPG for approval

-Saying that you edited your original RPG post to what the Judges said.

-Helping (Occasionally) with some people, if the Judges missed something.

-Asking the Judge body as a whole about something they said on your RPG, generally this is clarification.



DO NOT post in the topic about:


-Saying something is Spam, guess what? Doing so is spam. Just report posts that are spam or rulebreaking and move on. No comment is necessary.

-Posting continuously about a RPG which belongs in the RPG Topic by Emperor Kraggh.

-Comments like "Lighten up." or "You should act like..." we know how to act, we know what we are doing. Posting saying that we should "Lighten up" is rude. Our jobs are to be hard on the RPGs, to make sure that when they go through that they are successful. I am sorry if we don't coddle some members, it's not in the job description. We be as nice as the situation allows. I, as an individual, don't like it when people just tell me how I should behave when doing my assigned job, unless what they say is either: From their experience as a Judge, from their experience when dealing with Members with an air of authority, or in a respectful way, or when they're opinion is asked for. Not just out of the blue.

-Posting Questions on the system, those go in the Approval Topic (discussion).

-Reposting your RPG rather than editing the original version.

-Being rude to the Judges example: "THIS IS MY GAME, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT." <- Not acceptable behavior.


These two sections are actually posted in the topic(s), this is just my own words, and my own views, and are taken from actual cases. And also because I felt that some of these should be said, so that people don't continue to mistakenly break these "Rules" or act in a way that is disrespectful.



General Things:


-The "Form" in the RPG Guidelines by Toaraga is to separate his post into sections, it is not an actual form of which to submit RPGs. You're supposed to read through that information as it is needed, then separate it into easy to find sections and make it all flow together.


-The story is important to a RPG, if you don't make the story enthralling, and gripping, it leads to a boring game. The story is also where I determine your level of writing skill(s), style, an whether your actual In Character Posts will be eligible, understandable, and not incredibly hard to follow. If you're missing punctuation, spelling errors (Frequent) or grammar is messed up, I will ask you to fix it.


-Include the ENTIRE RPG when posting your RPG. I will not ever approve something that is half-finished, or is missing sections that "Will be put in later".


-Be cooperative, don't be arrogant, prideful or act because you have an ego. Humility is important in someone.


-Keep your facts straight! Keep ranks in order (Captain is not before Sergeant peoples) and if you want a source for accurate Army information for your RPG, send me an IM and I can send you the site through that, because it's probably one of the most accurate places you'll find the information on ranks, what they mean, look like, do and the authority level. It's not really that hard of a site to find. Keeping Geological facts straight are also important, unless you have a good reason as to why Canada would be located in the middle of the U.S, don't try to pull it since it only makes people go "Lolwut?".



~This is the view of COT RPG Judge The Comedian (Spink) and are not necessarily views of the other Judges.


Recommended Comments

Bah. Now days I just look at the topic and say "The Judges will handle it, they don't need me to post here." Even when I spot something the Judges have missed. =/


Bet I'm better off that way. >>


-Reposting your RPG rather than editing the original version.

-Being rude to the Judges example: "THIS IS MY GAME, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT." <- Not acceptable behavior.


I believe these two go under "Not to post" not "To Post" =P

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