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A Goal Of Fun.



First, I got these pesky bands on my molars off, since they were useless and full of pain, which is now awesome cuz I have normal teeth. My last dentist said I had a cavity, this dentist says my teeth are perfect.


Oh, and a hungry Spink in a waiting room for 3 hours = Angry Spink. I just learned that today.


Soooo, my goal is actually a few things in one. I call it the "Creativity Goal" and that means that I need to draw something that actually looks good, which will be taking a lot of time and plenty of effort, and after that I need to construct an Epic that I will actually have a heart to write, rather than putting it off. Shouldn't be too hard, in comparison of other stuff. And I also need to finish my MoC...


I'm stuck at the arms though, and it sux. If I can make it look good and stuff, then I might take pics and put it on BZP just cuz it'd be new. I also need Photoshop so I can teach it to myself. And yeah, that's about it.


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Hurray for losing the rubberband things. Ihated them




Not rubber bands. These were metal bands around the teeth.

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