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Re-voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Article 43-46



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The forty-third article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" a member of Brutaka's species be henceforth known as a "Firoah" (figh-ROE-ah), the plural term being "Fironians" (figh-ROE-nee-ahns), until such time as a Canon species name is revealed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-forth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Dome of "The Abandoned Place" be considered the original homeland of Brutaka's species, until such time as a Canon species' homeland is revealed.


In "The Time Before Time", they left the Dome of "The Abandoned Place" under unknown circumstances and each parted ways with one another, with Brutaka in particular headed north, where he found the Isle of Destral anchored due north of the Dome of Artidax, and managed to convince the "Brotherhood of Makuta" to allow him to join their ranks, becoming a lieutenant under them.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-fifth article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Gikar (GIHK-kahr), the Great Mask of Influence, which allow the user to "plant" false information, or information otherwise unknown to the target, in the target's mind, for as long as the user concentrates.


Examples would be a Toa making another being on Metru Nui think that they were on Xia or a Toa influencing a Skakdi to think that he or she is not themselves, rather that they are another Skakdi altogether.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-sixth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Rhokita (roe-KIGH-tah), the Great Mask of Potential, which grants the user the ability to utilize whatever inner power their "Rhotuka" ability is, without the necessity of a Rhotuka Launcher, however the effects are only temporary.


For example, a Kanohi Rhokita worn by Roodaka would grant her the ability to mutate any target at will, but only for as long as she concentrates.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all four articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, April 6th, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 43 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", next

Article 44 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", meanwhile

Articles 45 & 46 have both passed with a total of "SEVEN AYE VOTES TO SIX NAY VOTES" each

and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

*Aye, the name sounds great, I can't put my finger on the reason, there's just something to it.


*Aye, an air of mystery to the species is great.


*Aye, mainly due to myself creating a Kanohi like this for Lightstone, great concept, although, some Deus ex Machina could result.


*Aye, great way to power the weak.

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Fellow C.I.R.C.L.E. Members:


Whoops... It seems in my heated debating over my own Articles that I failed to even cast a vote on them, even when Toa_Ausar brought that mistake forward. For that, I apologize. :blush:


Honestly, when I read the PM, I did a facepalm. :unsure:


Onto voting...


I vote "AYE" to Article 43 because it gives a title to a somewhat important race within the BIONICLE Universe.


I vote "AYE" tp Article 44 because it gives said species an origin point.


I vote "NAY" to Article 45 because the same power can also be used by users of other Kanohi, specifically a Suletu.


I vote "AYE" to Article 46 because the Kanohi Rhokita gives the user the ability to use their Rhotuka powers where the use through a Rhotuka Launcher is unavailable.



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First, I just want to say that I accept Kohila's apology, hope that the other "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" do the same, and pray that there are no hard feelings over this matter. :lol:


Next, I vote "AYE" on Articles 43 & 44, as I see no harm in filling in the blanks until such time as a Canon Solution develops. :fonz:


Meanwhile, I also vote "AYE" on Article 45. Certainly there is repetition found in the Kanohi Komau, Great Mask of Mind Control, as well as in the Kanohi Suletu, Great Mask of Telepathy, which can likely both accomplish this mask power, however I'm not so sure that having a bit of overlap is necessarily a bad thing. :shrugs:


Lastly, I vote "NAY" on Article 46, primarily because the proposed Kanohi power, although feasible, seems to me would be too unpredictable and therefore become the "Great Mask of Well Technically It Depends Upon Who's Wearing It", which is a concept I can't support. :uhuh:


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I guess I'll have to rethink some of my votes then.


Article 43: Nay. I like the idea of the species being called Firoah, but Fironians sounds very un-Bionicle. I think that Firoah shuold be used as the plural, like for Rahi.

Article 44: Aye, I think it is a good idea to create some background for a mysterious species.

Article 45: Nay. As others have said, it seems redundant with the Suletu and Komau already existing.

Article 46: Aye, I think that having such a Mask power is on par with lugging around a heavy Rhotuka launcher.


@ Ausar: Going by your logic, then the Rhotuka launcher would be "Launcher of Well Technically It Depends Upon Who's Holding It." I think that variation is variation, no matter whether in a mask or launcher.



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I must say ausar, I am impressed by this most recent crack down, it really shows your leadership skills in this. Aswell, I apologize to my fellow C.I.R.C.L.E. Members for my most recent short Aye to All stated Articles. I was simply in a rush to get to school, it will not happen again. I will wait until there is ample time for me to put a good effort in.


The forty-third article proposed by Kohila is as follows:


Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" Brutaka's species be known as the Firoah (figh-ROE-ah), the plural term being Fironians (figh-ROE-nee-ahns), until such time as a Canon species name is revealed.


I vote Aye, due to the fact that we need a Species name for Brutakas kind. Simply saying, a member of Brutaka's species can be time consuming.


The forty-forth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:


Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Dome of "The Abandoned Place" be considered the original homeland of Brutaka's species, until such time as a Canon species' homeland is revealed.


In "The Time Before Time", they left the Dome of "The Abandoned Place" under unknown circumstances and each parted ways with one another, with Brutaka in particular headed north, where he found the Isle of Destral anchored due north of the Dome of Artidax, and managed to convince the "Brotherhood of Makuta" to allow him to join their ranks, becoming a lieutenant under them.


I vote an Aye, it seems this would be a simple and non-Storyline conflicting descision for Brutaka's history before Voya-nui and the Order.


The forty-fifth article proposed by Cap'n Kopaka is as follows:


Cap'n Kopaka hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Gikar (GIHK-kahr), the Great Mask of Influence, which allow the user to "plant" false information, or information otherwise unknown to the target, in the target's mind for as long as the user concentrates.


Examples would be a Toa making another being on Metru Nui think that they were on Xia or a Toa influencing a Skakdi to think that he or she is not themselves, rather that they are another Skakdi altogether.


I vote Aye, this would be an ample and useful Kanohi Mask to have around. Most certainly so.


The forty-sixth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:


Kohila hereby proposes that within the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Rhokita (roe-KIGH-tah), the Great Mask of Potential, which allow the user to utilize whatever inner power their "Rhotuka" ability is without the necessity of a Rhotuka Launcher, however the effects are only temporary.


For example, a Kanohi Rhokita worn by Roodaka would grant her the ability to mutate any target at will, but only for as long as she concentrates.


I vote Aye, this particuliar mask aswell would be useful, albeit most likely rare addition to any collection.



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In response to Benevolent Ballom 's comment, I would like to point out that there are no other Kanohi whose actions are in any way unpredictable. If you say such-and-such-a-character is wearing a Hau, everyone knows what the Kanohi can do without it being said, likewise for any other Canon mask powers, and to me that's an important distinction between a mask and a launcher. :shrugs:


Also, I appreciate RingMaster Zee 's vote of confidence in my leadership. :blush:


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In response to Benevolent Ballom 's comment, I would like to point out that there are no other Kanohi whose actions are in any way unpredictable. If you say such-and-such-a-character is wearing a Hau, everyone knows what the Kanohi can do without it being said, likewise for any other Canon mask powers, and to me that's an important distinction between a mask and a launcher. :shrugs:

But everyone will know that the Rokita does -- it grants the user their Rhotuka power. The effect may vary, but other masks have that too. For example, the Olisi will show different alternate futures to different beings (which may be seen as unpredictable), but it still always performs the same function.


See what I mean?



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I respectfully disagree.


You know for certain that with the Kanohi Olisi it's going to show a target visions of what could be, where as a prospective Kanohi Rhotika on the other hand may mutate a target for one user, meanwhile heal that same target for the next user, then dehydrate the very same target for the third user, and drown the target for the fourth user, etc.


I could go on like that for an hour without repetition because there's just no continuity, that is to say, there is no underlying commonality like a "vision of the future" in the power described for Article 46.


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I respectfully disagree.


You know for certain that with the Kanohi Olisi it's going to show a target visions of what could be, where as a prospective Kanohi Rhotika on the other hand may mutate a target for one user, meanwhile heal that same target for the next user, then dehydrate the very same target for the third user, and drown the target for the fourth user, etc.


I could go on like that for an hour without repetition because there's just no continuity, that is to say, there is no underlying commonality like a "vision of the future" in the power described for Article 46.


You seem to be missing my argument a little bit, but that's okay. Even with that I can see we're not going to convince each other. :P



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Guest kopakanuva13


Hmm, I thought pretty hard about all these, but I'd have to go with "AYE" for all of them =P

Rhokita sounds pretty useful, and even if it's somewhat iffy, it's not like everyone's going to have one ;P

Also, I am aware that the Kanohi of Mind Control can force someone to do something and that the Suletu can project thoughts, but the point of the Gikar is to plant false info into one's head ;]

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Hmm, I thought pretty hard about all these, but I'd have to go with "AYE" for all of them =P

Rhokita sounds pretty useful, and even if it's somewhat iffy, it's not like everyone's going to have one ;P

Also, I am aware that the Kanohi of Mind Control can force someone to do something and that the Suletu can project thoughts, but the point of the Gekar is to plant false info into one's head ;]

Since the Suletu can project thoughts, skillful use of it can no doubt make the target think the thoughts are their own. That's why the Gikar seems so similar.



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My bad for all of those "Aye to all stated articles" posts. I will now enter a reasonable 'Aye' to all of them.


43. Aye. A very good name, and somehow, it just fits. And it has the extra bonus of sounding very Bionicle-y. :P


44. Aye. Very reasonable, and could be used in non-canon to explain why Brutaka turned against Mata Nui oh, so very easily. But one question: Will this 'for unknown circumstances' be explained in either Kohila's or someone else's Epic? Leaving loose ends like that can lead to paradoxes. Very confusing stuff; happened before to me.


45. I will say Nay on this. Such a mask has way too much power in my opinion. Having one or two would be acceptable to me, but only int he hands of, perhaps, Toa Helryx or another figure who could use it well. Hence my saying 'Nay'.


46. Aye. It makes sense, and it sounds cool! *Ahem* Sorry. But it does make sense. However, I am compelled to ask that some beings that may have powerful Rhotuka (i.e. Roodaka) require more concentration.




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"AYE" to Article 43. Fironians sounds like a good placeholder name for such a species.


"AYE" to Article 44. I find nothing that contradicts with current knowledge of Brutaka's past.


"NAY" to Article 45. While a Suletu can achieve a similar effect, this exact power, to me, is immoral for a Toa to use. Its use would mean the Toa wearing it would be lying or deceiving the target. Altering another's mind(don't deny it, that's what it is) is not something many look upon as good. In fact, such levels of manipulation are considered horrific. (The Hagah, anyone?) And that is something I cannot support.


"NAY" to Article 46. If Norik wore the Rhokita, he would be able to slow down a target. Why not wear a (non-canon) Mask of Slowness or just use a Rhotuka launcher? All three would serve the same exact function. What purpose would it serve to have a mask whose power depended on the wearer's morals and ethnics when we could just vote on such a power?


Furthermore, this mask sounds to be a rare find. A Rhotuka launcher is far more common. And it's canon. And we don't have to vote on its existence. Or its user's power.

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Article 43-Aye, as it is much easier to type that instead of Brutaks speices.

Article 44-Aye, because its good to have some placeholder info and theres really no reason to say Nay

Article 45-Aye, because even though its possible to achieve this through other masks, it sounds likie a good mask power. I also agree with Em-oh-cee-ehr reguarding is comment on limiting the amount of this type of Kanohi.

@Toa Talvak- But it can be used for good, a toa could use that to make ,say, a dark hunter or a Brotherhood luitenant(sorry if that not how you spell it) into a being who has no idea what they organisations are... or something along those lines.

Article 46-Undecided at this moment, as im trying to figure out whether or not this would be useful in our unverse. I decided to vote Nay on article 46, i understand where it would be pratical to have one but as with all canon masks, you know what exactly it can and most likely will do but with this mask, its entirely random which im against, sorry


Toa Zahaku

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As far as my discussion with Benevolent Ballom goes, tell me this and maybe you can sway me, what would Toa Neţeru Åusår be able to do if he wore a Rhotika? :???: The answer is, you have no idea, whereas, if he wore an Olisi you know he'd be able to show a target visions of some sort, and that's the difference. There are no current Kanohi that you can't tell me what a random character could do with them, the Rhotika would be a major exception to that rule.


Next, to answer Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr 's first question as best I can, it is my understanding that Kohila is actually planning to write a Short Story about "The Abandoned Place", though I imagine that it may also play some role in his upcoming Epic as well. :unsure:


Lastly, I'd like to point out to Toa Talvak that simply because a Kanohi's power is considered immoral, doesn't mean that it can't exist, take for instance the Avsa, Crast, Felnas, Jutlin, Kraahkan, Mohtrek, or Shelek. ;)


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Well, you'd have to use a Rhotuka Launcher to find out what your inner power would be, but I would guess it's along the lines of "nit-picking". :lol:



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I feel like Kongu; able to crack jokes in the face of danger. :sly:


On a serious note, I'd like to say that if that line of thinking was used in 2005, the Rhotuka Launcher would cease to exist. Honestly, pretty much any arguement against the Kanohi Rhokita could be used against a Rhotuka Launcher, a canon weapon.



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Aye- until a canon name is released. I guess Brutaka's species is pretty important- they should be given a name for now.


Aye- until a canon area is released.


Aye- I like that idea. It mixes two... or is it three types of Kanohi. But I believe that if used, it be used by Makuta or those Toa of 'evil' elements.


Nay- I believe that all of the 'inner rhotuka' powers can be made into single Kanhoi. In other words, a being with the inner rhotuka of Gravity, well, having a Rhokita would be like wearing a Garai. And other ones, without Kanohi powers, like Fire or Ice, could easily be made into Kanohi. Also, I believe it has been said that a Kanohi should have a single power- if a Toa were to say they have a Rhokita, that right there must have hundreds of powers. Powerful ones like Rahi Control, or other elements, or something small, like tickling. :P


Also, it would be the same as using a Rhotuka Launcher, which can be inorganic.


I also accept Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotinon's apology. I feel for you, man. It took me a while to get my epic back up.

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As far as my discussion with Benevolent Ballom goes, tell me this and maybe you can sway me, what would Toa Neţeru Åusår be able to do if he wore a Rhotika? :???: The answer is, you have no idea, whereas, if he wore an Olisi you know he'd be able to show a target visions of some sort, and that's the difference. There are no current Kanohi that you can't tell me what a random character could do with them, the Rhotika would be a major exception to that rule.

I'll try lay this out and explain it clearly.


If someone wears the Rhotika, they can summon their inner power. No one but the user will know what the power is.

If someone wears the Olisi, they can show an alternate future for the target. No one but the target will know that vision may be shown.


See what I mean? Like the Olisi, the Rhotika has a definate action it performs. However, the nuances of that action may vary. Basically, what I'm saying is the concept of the Rhotika having minor variation from being to being is equivalent to the variation in the Olisi.


Hence, if an official canon Kanohi can have such variation, a C.I.R.C.L.E. canon mask certainly can.



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On the contrary Kohila, I find major distinction between a weapon and a Kanohi, in fact, if the Rhokita description were for a weapon of some sort instead of a mask, I'd wholly support it. :ohmy:


Anyway, I think that it's essential that when you utter a Kanohi name, an immediate action of what specifically said mask can do comes to mind, that's all.


Next, I'll say you're wrong Benevolent Ballom.


The end result of using a Kanohi Olisi is always that it shows the target a vision, regardless of which user.


On the other hand, the end result of a prospective Kanohi Rhotika is completely unpredictable in terms of what it does to the target and is absolutely dependent upon which user is randomly given which power.


There's really no comparison.


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To all C.I.R.C.L.E. members:


I apologize for my recent inactivity and my failure to vote on the most recently proposed set of articles. The server downtime and the erasion of six months of my writing from this site had left me quite frustrated, prompting me to take a brief leave from BZPower in which I did not check my private messages; hence I never knew about the vote until it was too late. In addition to that, a site that I co-own has been going through a lot of things lately, and I felt my attention was better directed there rather than to BZPower, where my absence was insignificant to the well-being of the site. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, this will not be happening again.


Anyway, onto my votes...


Article 43: Aye, I have no problem with this.


Article 44: Aye, fits into the canon very well.


Article 45: Aye, it seems like a reasonable power, although I don't really see much of a use in it.


Article 46: Nay, since, as has been pointed out, most Rhotuka powers could easily be (or are) their own Kanohi, making such a Kanohi Rhokita redundant.

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Ah, but you're wrong Benevolent Ballom.

I don't think so. I think you aren't comparing them equally. For example:


The end result of using a Kanohi Olisi is always that it shows the target a vision, regardless of which user.

And the end result of using the Rhotika is always unleashing the wearer's inner power, regardless of which user.


On the other hand, the end result of a prospective Kanohi Rhotika is completely unpredictable in terms of what it does to the target and is absolutely dependent upon which user is randomly given which power.

And the Olisi is completely unpredictable in terms of what vision it shows and is absolutely dependent upon which target is used.


That is a more equal comparison.


BTW, isn't this debate fun? ^_^ I love discussions.



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First, I just want to say that I accept Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion's apology, hope that the other "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" do the same, and pray that there are no hard feelings over this matter. :lol:


Next, certainly debating is fun, but you're comparing Apples to Oranges Benevolent Ballom.


You can't say the Rhotika does this for the user for one example, and then try and say that's the same as what an Olisi does to the target for the other example, that's cross-comparison.


A valid comparison of artifacts explains what each does to the target, regardless of the user.


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Certainly debating is fun, but you're comparing Apples to Oranges Benevolent Ballom.


You can't say the Rhotika does this for the user for one example, and then try and say that's the same as what an Olisi does to the target for the other example, that's cross-comparison.


A valid comparison of artifacts explains what each does to the target, regardless of the user.


Yes, I see what you mean. However, what I'm saying is that both are somewhat random and, although not necessarily in the same way, they are equally random in their own ways.


. . . That sort of sounds garbled, but do you see what I'm getting at?



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