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Rare Games And Other Stuff!



Went video game shopping today, I think I scored some good stuff, I always keep an eye out for rare video games, today I was rewarded!


First I got Contra 4 for the DS, it is getting harder to find and I am a big Contra fan. It was marked down as the seal appears to be broken, 9.99 = great deal.



Next up is Jeanne Darc for the PSP, this game has become quite rare. Fantasy/reality rpg game set in France around the 1800s, good stuff!



Lastly, the best score of the day. The World Ends With You is extremely hard to find anymore, heck I could not even find it when it was first released anywhere! Dare I open it?



Moving on to toys now, I got some more darts for the Nerf Vulcan.



Picked up a Clone Trooper Walker too. Reports circulating online reveal that the Chrome Vader has been found in these sets, I have one allready but I am very tempted to crack the seal on this, maybe there is another one inside!



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Sears of all places! I find alot of rare and hard to find games there. You have to look for them though, most of the good stuff I find is on the back row, it is like treasure hunting!

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Sears of all places! I find alot of rare and hard to find games there. You have to look for them though, most of the good stuff I find is on the back row, it is like treasure hunting!


Figures. I haven't been in a Sears in forever. Maybe next time I'm at the mall I'll venture in and go treasure hunting for some cheap games. :D

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