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Culinary Anecdote #1

Queen of Noise


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I sometimes eat peanuts whole, meaning I eat the shells.

This, I know, is generally unorthodox; most people find the shell to be unappetizing or assume it to be so. It just so happened one day, however, I was enjoying a rather delicious snack of peanuts, and i wondered aloud whether the shells were edible in the human sense (as in, not apt to block intenstines or whatnot). Nobody in the room knew the answer to the quandry, so I took it upon myself to investigate online, where I discovered that they are definitley edible, and not bad for your health at all--in fact, they're rather good for you, loaded with fiber. Following this discovery, I tried a whole peanut and found it to be rather good. Now I find myself enjoying them as such often.

Then the author concluded his pointless anecdote and found he had little left to say.

This entry has been dedicated to KIE.


Recommended Comments

Just don't try it with pistachio nuts... <_<

:o Someone else tried to do that too! I am not alone!


Meh, they're okay. I find the shells rather salty, though.


Anyhoo, it's good to see you're having loads of fun with your new discovery, Smeag. :P



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