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I think I get math. I taught all that I missed from Monday to myself and did my work without flaws.


And I am very suckish at number-y stuff.


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Until you can take the third derivative of a 5th degree polynomial and then antiderivate it, you aren't good at math.



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Math is fail...I'm currently teaching myself geometry with little help, so it's all like "ARGGGHAH!". But I sure do prefer it than Algebra. ._.
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If I look at too many numbers in a row, my brain dies. :bored:

Seriously, I think I'm like four years behind or something. >_>


13 Years of Age. (13 YoA)

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Math is fail...I'm currently teaching myself geometry with little help, so it's all like "ARGGGHAH!". But I sure do prefer it than Algebra. ._.


I'm doing Algebra currently =P


And yes Bunda, my brain dies too.


I see a "waaht" and... um, yeah.

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I'm in an advanced math class...and sometimes I wonder why.


I have to completely teach myself. Honestly, could our books be any worse? I didn't even know what factoring was used for until a year after we learned it.

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Until you can take the third derivative of a 5th degree polynomial and then antiderivate it, you aren't good at math.

That sounds complicated and all, but really that's basic calculus. It gets sooo much harder. Try taylor series...


I was okay at math, but I didn't like my high school's system of teaching it from the book. The worst part was, they'd give us teachers who had no idea how to teach math, and when we'd go to them for questions, it was always "read the book."



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