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Club Against Useless Plastic

Bitter Cold


The Club Against Useless Plastic (CAUP):


If you hate (or even mildly dislike) spending extra money on a set because of its clunky, useless container, this club's for you.


If you would like sets to come in cardboard boxes (or something cheaper), or if you want the containers to be LEGO-compatible (i.e., you can build with them), then let it be known by joining the CAUP.


Members will appear in a magic block to the left.


Also anyone with the time to make sigs would be much appreciated. =)


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Guest kopakanuva13


I like those containers =[

*gets shanked*


Hey, we're only paying a buck or two more. I'm sure that with cardboard containers, it'd still be around five dollars, considering the price increase.

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Just because a container isn't technically compatible with Lego (i.e. it has no connection points) doesn't mean it can't be MOCed with. I'm planning to use the Phantoka canister cover in a MOC someday.

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Sign me up! That extra plastic adds nothing to the set. And just think: if sets came in all-cardboard boxes, LEGO could release maybe one extra new piece every year or two!

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I am fed up with the extra plastic on the smaller sets, but having the larger tubs for the Toa/Glatorian have always been a nice storage device. I agree.

Though I agree that it would be nice if the bigger canisters had something along the lines of axle holes like in the Nuva, Metru, and Mahri. My thoughts exactly. They can be MOCable and hold lots of parts, it's not mutually exclusive.


Nonetheless, something needs to be done. Though I'm not sure taking away Toa canisters is a good idea, maybe just the outer part that has been around since the Phantoka. What part do you mean?




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Put my name on the list. Even though I usually avoid clubs, I couldn't agree with this more. I mean, yeah, stuff like the Metru canisters were cool. They were simple, sleek and system compatible. But the small set packaging? The flimsy covers on the Mahri and Phantoka? The over-extravagant lids? Methinks lego might be price padding. Also, if we go back to all-cardboard containers for small sets, I say we should leave behind the plastic bags. Their not stopping anyone from stealing the pieces, and they're literally going to be sitting in a landfill for hundreds of years after fulfilling their duty after maaaaybe a year and a half if the set doesn't sell well.

I hadn't thought about it ecologically. That's a good point there. I'll sign you up. =)


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I liked it when the small sets were cheap. Now they're more expensive than the Toa Olda were! Put me on the list.

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