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Fire The Fox



I wonder how many more of those puns I have left?


Anyway, I'm currently on Fire Fox right now, and I can't say I greatly enjoy it. Yeah, it has tabs, but there's no single button to create a new one (IE has that). And the bookmarks tab is inconveniently placed... Plus, I can "drag" images when I click on them... why? Why would I have to do that? I'm fine with "copy / paste". It's annoying.


I am also typing this blog in the middle of one of my programming lectures. Yay for laptops.




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New tab? Ctrl + T


Bookmark? Ctrl + B


Anyway, I like Firefox better. It's so much nicer [iMO].



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Well, you can customize FF to have a new tab button. Right click on the menu bar, hit customize, then drag the add tab button where ever you want.
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1) Tabs: 1) There is a single tab button. It's probably not in the top bar (next to the address bar) so you should right click those buttons and go to "customize" and put it in, along with things like refresh, stop, and whatever else you like. 2) Double click the tab bar when more than one tab is up.3) Right click a link and go "open in new tab." 4) My favorite: Ctrl+T. 5) The other one I use: press the scroll bar on your mouse down when hovering over a link. 6) Not using a mouse? Hold down Ctrl and then click the link with your touchpad, and it opens it in a new tab!


2) Bookmarks "inconveniently placed"? I don't understand, but then again, I don't use IE. There is a bookmarks drop down where you store all your bookmarks in folders (or not) related by category (or not). You can also put your favorite bookmarks on a bookmarks toolbar in between the tabs and URL bar. [Edit: Bookmark saving: Bookmarks toolbar, "Bookmark this page."] [Edit: The star right next to the URL is also for bookmarking.]


3) Dragging images rock! Instead of right-click and saving as, I simply open my personal folder, switch back to Firefox, and drag the image down to my folder in my taskbar, which pops the folder up on the screen, and then drop it in the appropriate section in my folder. [Edit: And it's not like you need to use it if you don't want to.]


I don't think you're taking full advantage of what Firefox has to offer. Do you use Gmail? There is a really simple/cool link that will notify you when you have new messages, and it's off in the corner not obtruding anything. You can give it a different skin so it's not like what everybody else is using (you've seen my black "NASA Night Launch" skin). Etc, etc, we've been over this already.




PS, I hear Opera is spiffy as well, and it has cool additions too. Granted, that doesn't get you using Firefox, but it gets you off IE.

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I don't like image dragging because I don't want to take every image, but if I click on something a little too long, suddenly I'm dragging it across the page. And I used MSN... never had a reason not to.



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How about peer pressure? Everyone else is using Firefox, and so should you! IE has its problems, and Firefox gets rid of those. You can customize Firefox since it's OpenSource, and even if you don't, well, everyone else is using it, and it's just better. What's that? Everyone isn't using it? Then be the first to start a revolution. Yay!!!




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Peer pressure dissuades me from using it... mostly. (The open source thing is important for my programming class, so I have to switch, but I might no stay...)



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PS, I hear Opera is spiffy as well, and it has cool additions too. Granted, that doesn't get you using Firefox, but it gets you off IE.

Opera is <3

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ARHG! Not only do I have to re download anything I've put on my computer in the last year (like flash, apparently the one I have is incompatible with FF) but in doing so FireFox crashes my computer.


No more. I am on Internet Explorer. I will stay on Internet Explorer. I will only keep FireFox to check my programming homework on. I am staying with the familiar, because believe it or not, it actually works for me. It's like a social networking site that keeps changing it's layout; just because you can change things doesn't mean you have to.


And for all those who want to convert me away from Windows Internet Explorer... why? What it ever do to you? (Actually, I'd almost like to humor myself to see all the comments that would follow defending FF and bashing IE, but I'm closing this baby down anyway)



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