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Poor You



I got out of school early today. Ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa-haaaa.


And I'm invited to a party tonight, and then one on Halloween. Spooooky. I have to do a costume thing. So I have no clue, really. I might go as a lumberjack, 'cause I found this fifty-thousand year-old plaid shirt in my closet. And I have plenty of jeans, and a pair of boots. And with my whiteness, and the combined accent of midwestern and southern US, I could easily get some Canadian thing going on.


Bah, kidding. I'll go get one of those zombie costumes, and mug people, like what I've said Halloween is really all about. :P


And to shamelessly promote activity (read: spam), what's your favorite cookie? :o


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what's your favorite cookie?

Double chocolate chip! :o


WhAT SPAM? :angrie: :angry:




Uh...mmm...cookies...now you got me hungry....

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Moby DJFunkdiddyick.


They call me spam.


No one ever said that all school reading was boring. :wakeup2:


(Not that it usually is anyway. :P)

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wat spam!1! :burnmad:




I got out at noon...yay, I guess...that's nothin' compared to KIE.


Favortie cookie? Hmm...Peanut Butter...what a minute, am I the only one who actually answered this question? I am! I am!







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Yeah, high-fives for people who got out of school early today :lol: . I was a man with a PLAN today. Got home around 12:30, though, 'cause I live a while away.

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Around 1:00 here. Then my mom wanted me to write an essay on a book I read that took me around five hours because of distractions....




Quadruple chocolate chip!


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O RLY? i had no skool on mondai, and tis hole week has early day, edin at 12:30!!1111


Did you understand what I just said? And I'm being serious here.


~Light~ who use should proper grammer and speeling

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Zomg, he's Exo M7 again! ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG


Uh...sadly, our school never lets us leave early when we take tests. Not even the PSAT (which I took yesterday) and my writing assessment (today)!


Uh...favorite cookie...my browser cookies. :P


Seriously though, it's a tie between chocolate chip and peanut butter.



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