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An Accident



To All Whom It May Concern,

On Saturday, April 11
a girl named Hannah Young was heading back home from Kentucky with her boyfriend, Adam, her brother and her mother. While driving, a car in the opposite lane hit a truck and flipped into the air. The car collided with Hannah's car, ultimately destroying it.


The aftermath was something that no one could believe; Her mother, brother and her boyfriend survived and were hospitalized. Hannah, unfortunately, passed away.


Hannah was a good friend of mine. Although I'm only a freshman and Hannah was a senior, we still shared a common bond. We received a phone call from Bob Elliott, our school's director, late Saturday night.


It was just plain awful. I heard the call and ran to my room, in a state of denial that my friend was gone.


I talked to my friend, Alissa, today. She, also a senior, and I were friends with Hannah. We talked about some things and both eventually broke down over the phone. We prayed together, hoping that her family could cope.


I began thinking about it a bit more deeply. I thought, This could happen to me.


I prayed a bit more and am beginning to heal.


Everyone, I could use some support. Keep her family in your prayers, and help others like me deal with the pain of losing a good friend.


You can read the news article Here.



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This is all so terrible. I shall indeed pray for the family.




Edit: Whoops.


It's not an Edit unless I say it's an Edit. ~Kohila


Negated. -EW


DOUBLE negated! ~Kohila


Wow, aren't we reverent? XP -EW


Yes, now solemnly sulk. ~Kohila


._. -EW


*sigh* I said sulk. ~Kohila

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I'm sorry to hear about your loss.


My Paternal Grandmother had a massive stroke this weekend, so I understand your pain all too well.


You're probably my closest e-Friend and I'll be here for you if you need someone to talk to about anything on your mind.


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While I can't say I know how you feel, Kohila, I can say that I am quite sorry. I'll pray for you-- I remember when my Grandfather died. I thought I couldn't get through. Always revert to religion in times such as this, it helped me, and to this day I pray that my grandfather is in a better place, as I hope young Hannah is now.


Although I barely know any of the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members, I can at least offer to be talked to...to let something out.


EDIT- And beat by Ausar. Again.

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Thanks, although I think that the "Edit Battle" got us a bit off track. :blush:



Mesonak-Ice Legion Ruler:


It's a pretty devastating thing to realize. I mean, one moment you see someone pacing the hallways of your school. the next moment, they're gone. -_-




I'm sorry to hear that about your grandmother, Ausar. My grandmother lives about two hours away in Zanesville, OH and I don't know what I'd do if she were to have a stroke. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that she isn't free of pain because she's 81 and has had a hip replacement, knee replacement, and is prone to viruses all the time. :sick:

I'm glad to know that I have someone to talk to if things like this ever reoccur. :fonz:




I believe that God gives us these tough times to strengthen our bond with Him. After all, don't you have to walk over sharp gravel to callus your feet?[/insightful]


Thank you so much for all who have responded. I've found on outlet *cough*musiclyrics*cough* to help me release my feelings. I'm about to add another Blog Entry that will seem a bit depressing. Hopefully, this sadness streak will pass, and reveal the golden sunlight we so desperatly crave.


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I'm so sorry to hear about this. I know it must be hard to go on in times like these, but you just have to think of the better and brighter times that you had together and those that still lie ahead. I've lost a close friend, but not in that way. Over the past six months, there have been 3 people whom I knew who have passed away, one of which being the father of my friend. That death caused the death of a friendship in which said friend became depressed and anti-social. That is the closest I know to what you feel. Again, I'm sorry. She is in my thoughts and prayers.



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Ya'know, now that I look at her picture, she reminds me of one of the cheerleaders in my school. Does she have any family ties to northern Indiana?

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