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Dinner Games X 3

Left Handed Moth


Well, my parents had another family come over for dinner and games. I found the games exciting and very funny. Here; try them with your friends!


1#: The Definition Guesser

One person gets a number of very RARE words that you wouldn't guess. Everyone else gets a piece of paper and writes what he/she thinks is the definition (or if the person knows he/she makes something up).

Then the organizer will tkae the pieces of paper and shuffle them. But he also adds the REAL definition in the pile. After all the definitions are read out-everyone tries to guess which one is the real definition.


Here are some examples. Don't read if you're allergic to laughing.


Blattoid)-The situation when someone's bladder takes the shape of a trapezoid.

Griffonage)-A massage in which the massagist scratches the massaged with a donkey's tooth.

Karao)-To arouse an animal or a smaller species of existence.


1:-A passionate love for locking doors and windows.

2:-Groogen Froggen Zabrowsky

Ai)-That really hurts. XD


1:-When the Sopranos went to early Greece.

2:-A hippopotamus with six feet.

Aeolist)-A name given to a wind technician.

Miter)-A hammer.


Tune in next time for the second game.

It was really fun.


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Okay, if it's meanings of words you want, try this one and see what they guess it is. :P


If you don't know, it's the fear of (easy, really) Hippo's, right?

Wrong. Fear of long words, actually. :P

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I believe we've got a name for it. It's called "Balderdash", and they apparently sell it as a board game sort of thing around here. Well, in your case, that's one in the eye for the monopolistic guys at whatever company publishes it as such. :P
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