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Spring Break... Yay >_>

The Fallen Amph


Yeah, the Spring Break week is upon me once again. And, again, I'm not doing anything. Though it is giving me some well needed resting time... Also, the nice weather has been causing me reminesce about this time of year last year... you'd probably know what I'm talking about unless you've been reading my blog that long :P.


Well, the weather been near-summer-quality, until today... where it snowed all day. >_> Usual Reno weather...


Also, this is giving me some time to work on my stop motion shorts (Bionicle included). Speaking of that, sometime this week, I'll put up an animation I made based of the 2007 Transformers movie that I had to show in English class for a party... It actually went better than what you are probably thinking... :D


[This seems a bit Random but...] And I also have time to sort all of the current thoughts I have on the girls that have crushes on me/I like, which currently is tearing me apart (seriously)... I may put up an entry about it but... meh... I don't people really care at this point...


Here goes to 5 more days of relaxing.



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Awesome. Just got done with mine, and I went to an awesome arcade, bowled, and just generally hung out with my friends for 5 of the days. It rocked hard :rock:! But I'm interested in seeing the shorts, I was also planning to do some eventually with the new Glatorian. PM me when they're done.


If you think you have weird girl trouble, read October Sky. He loves this chick for over a year and she's just friends with him still---worse, she's dating other boys and................more, I guess is the only way I could say it. Oh yeah, and there are also rockets in the book. :lol:


BTW, I was LOLing because the book is basically about his rocket building.


EDIT: Hey man, where are you?

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