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Can't Get Much Better Than That

Watashi Wa


Good Lord, Wednesday was quite possibly the best day of my life.


So, I said earlier that I was going to a concert in Atlanta? Well, the band I went to see was FREAKING AMAZING. I'll go through the main parts of the day for you:


So, I meet up with my friends at 9AM at the Church. We stopped by Chic-fil-a to get a little something for one of my friends to eat, and then we were heading west towards Auburn. We were heading towards Auburn because we took a "college day" to go take a tour around Auburn University (War Eagle!!) in order to be able to go to a concert in Atlanta and still be excused from school. We got to Auburn, didn't really know where to go. The campus was HUGE, but actually very nice. Eventually, we found the place were the transit bus picks us up, and we were on our tour. Saw alot of hot chicks, that's pretty much all I remember. And I swear the sun shines hotter in Auburn than it does here. It's amazing. But anyway! When we were done with our tour, we went to Guthries, took forever to find it because even the students we asked for directions didn't know where it is, and if they did, they didn't, and we went in circles for about 10 minutes. But yeah, food was good, then we were on our way to Atlanta. Took about an hour and fourty-five minutes to get there. Time went by pretty quickly listening to Dane Cook, who is freaking hilarious, and other CDs. Anywho...so we got to the general downtown area in Atlanta, and it took us another 45 minutes just to find the venue where the concert was. But eventually, we found our way there. We pulled up into the venue and found out we had to park somewhere else. So, we decided to pull into the road that was like 30 feet down, but we had to go on the wrong side of the road to get there. We waited until the road was clear, and quickly pulled into the other road, only to JUST miss another car that was coming OUT of the road we were going IN. There wasn't any room to get around the car, so we had to back out a little bit. The car passed, and some ho-bo came up next to us and was appearantly trying to direct us into the road (we couldn't see, because cars were lined up on both sides of the road, making a very narrow lane to drive in). So he told us to go, and we did, but there was a freakin' Budweiser truck coming towards us. Yeah, it was weird. I think the homeless guy hated us. So, we park, and go wait in line.


While in line, we see the members of the band working on the bus. We had to be waiting in line for close to an hour and a half. Some lady came around and was offering us grilled cheese sandwhiches with garlic salt on them. Appearently there was a potluck at the show. But yeah, eventually we got into the venue, and a little later the concerts began to start. The first band was OK. There wasn't alot of movement in the crowd, just a few heads bobbing. The second band came up, and people began to jump, and bang their heads a little bit harder. These people were actually pretty cool. Then, came the big guys, the people we actually went to the concert to see:




The concert was amazing. That's all I can really say, because I don't know what else to say except that it was just freakin awesome. The band had such energy playing, and the crowd was getting really pumped. I swear though, I've never been that close to random people I don't know in my entire life. We were literally crammed together. Everyone was hot and sweaty, too. MMmm. But yeah, no one was moshing because there wasn't enough room, but we had this thing going, were people would push, and the wave of people falling forward were pushing more people. Then the people up front would send it back. It was strange, hilarious, and awesome at the same time.


After the band was done, we left, althought I sort of wish we stayed for the last band now. I hadn't heard of them, but I heard a few songs before the concert, and they sounded pretty cool. But, we left, and decided to get something to eat at IHOP. Took us forever to get there, because we got on the wrong Interstate, and then we go off an exit for an IHOP, and we still got lost. Somewhere along the way, we saw a horse-drawn carriage...




Uh, random? I'd say so. Also a bit freaky. We were in the ghetto, and all us white kids were a bit scared. But thankfully we eventually found our way back home after leaving IHOP. Listened to Dane Cook all the way home. Dangit, that guy is hilarious.


Oh, hahaha. On the way back, one of my friends fell asleep. So, the guy next to me got a great, classic idea. On the count of 3, we all screamed as loud as we could, and I swear the guy that was asleep, he probably has a minor heart-attack. You should have seen his face, though. :lol:


Got home at like 12:30. Had to wake up at 6:30 to get ready for school. I was so intensely tired this morning. It was unbelieveable.


The one thing I regret is not getting our merch signed by the guys from mewithoutYou. That would have been schweet.


Comment if you actually read the story!


Recommended Comments

It's hard to beat those road trip pranks. ^_^


How often do you go to downtown Atlanta anyway? Maybe horse-drawn carriages are twenty-four hour services there. :P


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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