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Comedies Critics Club



:: velox5.png ::




Well, I got a PM from Hahli Husky the other day asking me if I could become the Curator of the Comedies Critics Club, and make a new one. I guess <daydreamer> recommended me or something since she was too busy [which, on another note, I hope to start reviewing epics/Short stories again]. I'm honored they both thought me worthy, though I can just imagine how awesome it'd be if it was the Short Stories Critics Club, Epics Critics Club, or BBC Critics Club, but it's not. =P


And, despite my resentfulness toward comedies, I accepted, stating that I wouldn't be a critic, but just the Curator, and make sure everything runs smoothly.


I'll still have to read comedies/reviews, but oh well. It's funny, though. I joined BZPower so that I could post in a comedy I used to read. And now I don't like comedies. =P


Anyway, I need critics, so if any of you would like to become one, please PM me. I'll probably start the topic on Sunday, or so.


On another note, I'm driving back to LA today...


~ Velox


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Ho, no... I couldn't critique a comedy to save my life. I'm not funny, or very knowledgeable of that forum.


Still... I'd like to be involved in SOME way. Any other positions aside from critique-r open?




Yeah, that's why I'm not a critic, and just a Curator. :P


Though, I may be able to think of something... If I do, you'll be the first one I PM. :]


~ Velox




Sweet, I hope you think of something for me to be. ^^




I'll try. :]


~ Velox




Thanks! =D

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I suppose that those who are interested in improving enough to actually seek out criticism are already closer to bearable than those who just want their egos stroked, though I suppose that people'll go there to get their egos stroked anyway.

Ah well. Can't win. Good luck. :D

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Get Omi in on this. He'll just run in and say "It sucks."


It'd be awesome. And the funniest thing in Comedies since plum pudding.





I like this idea. I'm not sure Hahli Husky would, though. =P


~ Velox




We'll see what I can do on the issue.



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Actually, I was just about to PM you asking about that, because HH asked me to recommend someone as well. Anyway, good luck! I avoided it because I hate Comedies more.


Ho, no... I couldn't critique a comedy to save my life. I'm not funny, or very knowledgeable of that forum.


Still... I'd like to be involved in SOME way. Any other positions aside from critique-r open?



In the SSCC, I let critics handle lists and other stuff within the topic if they don't feel like reviewing. ;)
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