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2-for-the-price-of-1 Entry



I had a entry for yesterday, but the server was being...fickle. So, I'll just post both.


Thursday: Last night's youth group was so much fun! Everyone piled into the leaders's cars and we went to Mcdonalds, Taco Bell, and Carls Jr. in that order. At each restuarant we had some type of eating challenge and bought a stranger dinner. For those interested, TRoF can eat a large order of fries without the use of hands faster than ~Po~. :lol:


I'm happy tomorrow is Friday, but it is not going to be a relaxful weekend. On Saturday, I have to go over to a friends house to work on a project for Gov/Econ. Then on Sunday I am going to a meeting to help my class win the homecoming trophies. Oh well, there's always next weekend. :(


Project Update: We are very close to being able to color the first part of the project. Only about 1 2/3 figures left to draw. We're getting close!


Friday: I didn't mention that ~Po~ went in for surgery yesterday. He had a procedure done to stop his SVT. It went fine and he got home last night around 10:00. He stayed home from school because the doctor said he has to stay inactive for at least 3 days. He should be back at school by monday.


Project Update: Nothing new yet.



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