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I wrote 18 decent Short Stories on this site in the course of three years. That is obviously not enough, and I may look into writing some more COT works since my list with those is ten less than that of the Bionicle SSs...


If anyone has an idea for a fun plot tell me XP


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Aargh mi dos 0:


I need moar time in my life.-.-




I'm just glad that I have the time, plus with summer coming up I should be able to get even more up =D


*is proud that he has a running epic though*


And I need to finish some old ones, which will be done... when I get enough time to manage them a bit better and practice my writing through short stories .-.

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Bah, stop bragging.xD Once you get to high school, life basically sucks and all your motivation goes kaput. I'm just amazed that I've managed to keep up with peoplez here on the interwebs...considering...things.*twitch*


I mean srsly


But yeah, I should try writing something over the summer...but I has band camp. And summer AP assignments. And stuff. Blargsmhafarghasdf. Heh, I'll just make time.^.^ That, and I desperately need to get some Bionicle art up and running so I can repost my art topic.D:



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Bah, stop bragging.xD Once you get to high school, life basically sucks and all your motivation goes kaput. I'm just amazed that I've managed to keep up with peoplez here on the interwebs...considering...things.*twitch*


I mean srsly


But yeah, I should try writing something over the summer...but I has band camp. And summer AP assignments. And stuff. Blargsmhafarghasdf. Heh, I'll just make time.^.^ That, and I desperately need to get some Bionicle art up and running so I can repost my art topic.D:




I know everything's gonna die when I enter High School next year XP


That's why I make do with my time now rather than later. =P

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Bah, stop bragging.xD Once you get to high school, life basically sucks and all your motivation goes kaput. I'm just amazed that I've managed to keep up with peoplez here on the interwebs...considering...things.*twitch*


I mean srsly


But yeah, I should try writing something over the summer...but I has band camp. And summer AP assignments. And stuff. Blargsmhafarghasdf. Heh, I'll just make time.^.^ That, and I desperately need to get some Bionicle art up and running so I can repost my art topic.D:



You think YOUR motivation has been sapped. Ha. Ha. Ha.

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