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Assignment Hassles.



Lookit me, Ma! Look what I did!




Oh, delicious.


I did that in a moment of intense stress, if you'd like to believe that.


I am now bogged under three assignments: One's an argumentative review on an article I found, another's a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) assignment to create a music piece out of FM (frequency modulation)-synthesized sounds, and the last is the only one I've completed so far: Make a 'song' out of at least four MIDI instruments, and one live recording of an instrument.


That last one... it drove me up the wall, the ceiling, the cabinets, the tables, and back down and up again.


With permission from my lecturer, I could utilize one of the myriad of instruments available on the electone. Whoopee!


Trouble was, I had a mike that suffered from a serious case of phase cancellation.


What that mean?


I was getting breaks in the recording - breaks of silence!


It was infuriating. Absolutely infuriating. I'm so glad I was doing this at home where the cold water's nearby and in good supply.


But today, only today did the mike suddenly decided that it had enough of its 'ttitude and gave me a clean recording! After failed attempts from 7:30 to near-11 two nights ago, I must add that I was doing one attempt every five minutes, it gave me a GOOD recording!


And with that, I'm done with my draft and can now give it to go under the firepower of my lecturer.


So, this is most apt.


And yes, the voice behind these wacky sound clips is mine.




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