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Ewww Soda!



So, since I've been drinking water all week, aything else seems way too sweet xD (except coffee..lol) But, today we were on a two hour car trip, and all we had was soda in the car. I was sooo thirsty, so I had a Coke. As much as I love coke it was /way/ too sweet & I ended up stopping at a gas station and buying water. ;P


so that's cool. xD




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>>As much as I love coke it was /way/ too sweet

I know how you feel. I started drinking obsessive amounts of water and so sometimes when I have pop I'll actually get a stomach ache. (Although that could also be because I drink 750ml in like 2 minutes XD)

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We can all agree a slice of pizza tastes better with Pepsi than with Coke because the slightly sweeter taste compliments the tomatoe sauce and dough.


OTHERWISE Coke rules.

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