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Open For Free Candy!



Whoops; It seems like I just lied. :lol:


Anyways, this Blog Entry serves as a question:

What can I do to improve My Blog?

I'd really like to know. :unsure:



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Moar EW




Other than that, as I always tell people who need help with their blogs, make a theme for the blog. You're very much into music, so why not make your blog more music-oriented? The 'links' content block (which does not exist yet :P) could have fancy banners for links, each banner a piece of a larger pic of a band or whatnot. Try making the entire blog seem to flow together and not look like a squabble of random subjects. Bass here, RuseNape there (yes, I did that on purpose), Bovidae on the Titanic and other songs there, a can of Amp lying most conspicuously on the curb over here, etc.


There's nothing wrong with having random content blocks, but you could make them neater. The RuseNape block could be mixed with your Kohila block, since they are both about you. The guitars next to the songs, since they are both about music. Things you Enjoy is just out of place, IMO, though, but since that's a topic of in and of itself, it can go anywhere else. And of course, a Links block would make the blog look a whoooole lot shinier, as it does with other blogs, from mine (though it looks tarnished now, LOL) and Nukaya's, etc.


You could also ask one of the BAs, like Valenti, for ideas, mainly because they have seen every blog and tell you what looks best and what looks bland.



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Turaga Kohila:

Dont mention runescape in the link, it making me not want to click the link to your blog, not good.

Seriously though. EW is thinking along the exact same lines as me, cept add more bionicle stuff. :lol:


Toa team leader Zahaku :biggrin:

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