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Piano Recital Complete! ^^



I must say, GBG is pleased. ^_^


For those of you who don't know, I had a piano recital (you might if you read Sunneh's blog, and even then: thoroughly). Also, for those of you who don't know, I've been playing piano for 7-8 years now, so... yeah.


Anyways, the recital went quite well, considering the fact that in practicing right before I messed up right at the beginning majorly and in some other spots over the course of my playing it through 3 or so times. DX During the recital itself, however, I only messed up once, and even then you couldn't really tell very well; I just kept on truckin' and covered it up. :rolleyes:


The piece was "Invention 8" by Bach. Let me tell you, if you ever want a type of piece which will mess with your mind and make your hands do things that is contrary to the norm, then choose an invention. Just to give you a feel for how crazy it was, the piece would play a line in the right hand, and then in the next measure the left hand will repeat what the right hand did, while the right hand starts a whole new melody, and they will repeat each other like that. :wacko: It took a while to get used to, but hey, I had it all memorized in the end for the recital (just two pages though, and it was fast). I could just feel the prayers coming down! :D The Lord was good to me.


I also got asked by a parent of one of the other kids if I give lessons! :blink: Due to the fact that my piano teacher (the main one of like, 20 of the kids there, is getting married (yay!) in about two months, and she and her husband will be moving away. :() I'm unclear if I will continue with lessons, we will have to see what my schedule will be like. I do want to continue playing for sure, but lessons, I dunno... All that to explain why the mom was asking about if I give lessons. :P I may or may not, we shall see...


Anyways, just thought I would say that! (first real-life blog entry in like... ever!)




Recommended Comments

I remember playing that piece. It wasn't THAT hard to learn. The harder parts were keeping staccato going in one hand while keeping it smooth in the other hand, if I remember correctly. Or at least that's how it was for me....


From my experience, I think Tarantellas are harder than Inventions, but I haven't played too many Inventions.


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Yeah, well, everyone's different! :D I'm glad that you didn't have a hard time with it... For some reason, those parts just messed with my brain in some odd way...



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