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Life On Repeat



Life on Repeat

by Kohilå


A song on repeat played for hours and hours grows boring as time passes; a life on repeat follows suit, never ceasing to make you dreary.

Was there a time in life that was once so different, always changing and morphing to your desire?

What changed reality? What card was played against you to make life so dull?

A choice? An action? A two-sentence conversation with the wrong person?

What caused your life to be so vibrant that faded into the sky?

Questions unanswerable.

A tragedy into turmoil, a happiness into dull enjoyment.

If you feel this way, you're not alone.

Many suffer the constant déja vū.

Staring through the glass, we see our past. Such simpler times, such innocense.

Will you find the repeat button? Will you turn it off?

With this I tell you: Find the rock. Shatter the glass. Break free of the prison you put youself in.

Start over, come back and be welcomed by those who missed you.





Just something I whipped up because I'm feeling a bit poetic.


1 Comment

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Told'ja I'd get to it today. :P


Now, can you tell me where the poeticness is? I fail to detect a pattern, and it does not seem to have any sort of poetic quality to it.


As a ramble, however, I like it. And I also like the issue dealt with, and the ending four lines are nice.



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