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Ohh Ohh It's Cooooooooold!





Rarely do you get a nice day here in South Florida. Well, not unless 'hot and miserable' floats your boat. And for me, the boat doesn't float, but it rather sinks to the bottom of the ocean and rots away. You can walk outside for a mere minute and be sweating. Now, add a few hours of time and extraneous work into the mix. Sounds like great fun, right?


Today's high is around 76. Normally we'd be lucky for that as our low for the day. Right now it's 63, and it was 50 early this morning. Temperatures are in Fahrenheit, of course. I hope it stays like this for a while. It's pretty awesome, and makes for a pleasant change. You're probably laughing at the fact that I think these temperatures are 'cold', but you would to if you lived in South Florida all 15 years of your life.


Oh, and here's a little fact I bet you didn't know: Almost exactly 30 years ago today, it snowed here in South Florida. Yep. They let school out and everything.



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Celcius = (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 , so that would make today's high 24, right now 17 and early morning 10 degrees Celcius.


I'd call that a nice, sunny, warm early summer day :P. I think the highest temperature ever measured in Finland is 35 Celcius (95 Fahrenheit).


But don't think we're lucky. Because here, they never let school out if it would snow. That would be ridiculous.

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Everytime one of you freaks who think that living near the equator is a good idea complains about the supposed heat, the temperature up here goes down another notch.

So stop complaining or the polar bears get it!

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I'd gladly trade places right about now. It's so cold up here I've had to wear a blanket all day to keep from freezing. I miss heat. :(


- :m::a::r::k:

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S...n...o...w... i...s a...w...s...o...m...e...


Cold? You want cold? Try a high of 50F and a low of just-too-scary. Yes, it's Alaska, but still America. Poor Kex, you can only wish for cold.

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