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There Was A Comic Which Illustrated Perfectly The Point I Will Be Attempting To Make...



...but it was inappropriate so I have to think this through myself. =[


Bionicle, as it was and ought still to be, i.e. between 2001 and early 2003, wasn't about the characters. Okay, it was, I'm exaggerating. It's simply that it wasn't about characters fighting other characters, though there was a good deal of that going on. It was about characters and the environment. Even things that you'd think would fall into the other category, such as Rahi, were really more environmental hazards than anything else(they weren't really environmental hazards, but that was kinda assumed up until the quarry battle with the Nui-jaga).


Finding the masks was the same thing. While it involved fighting a goodly number of enemies, they were set up in such a way as to be closer to, say, the boulder trap in Raiders.


And the environments had the same amount of focus as the characters did, possibly even more. As you may know, I pretty much hat the entire storyline since the Bohrok, but you may have assumed that that meant I simply would have liked that no part of the collective content of the Bionicle universe existed after 2003.


Not true. Up to 2007, I've loved every last bit of the environments. Every last bit.


Yes, you heard right. It's only once you get to Mahri Nui that it started getting wierd. Because Bionicle takes place on islands. Which are large masses of earth, rock, and various other organic/natural materials that sit in a body of liquid, either floating free or anchored to the sea/lake/riverbed. Not sunken land masses.


tl;dr, Bionicle's environment needs just as much focus as the characters, if not more.






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I agree. There was much focus on the environment and all it's surprises. It really made me want to be there with them, because of all the exploration that could happen.



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^Yeah, the Kini Nuil was awesome. Just another mysterious, powerful location that was so important that we'll never touch on again if Bionicle continues this way.


Too bad they've already shown no interest in exploring Bara Magna. At most we'll get some sort of "secret underground place that hasn't been spoken of for years" and then BAM, new location that we'll know nothing about.



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I never had a strong dislike for any environments, but then, I'm Aanchir and I try my best to appreciate everything for its full worth (interpret that as you will). The only way environments changed drastically after 2007 is that they were no longer map-based-- there was no longer an air place, a fire place, etc. Which suited the high-intensity story at the time-- with the higher stakes of 2007 and 2008, there was not as much time for exploration, be it by the heroes, the villains, or an array of side characters.


As of 2009 we have a variety of locations once more. Iron Canyon, Black Spike Mountains, Sea of Liquid Sand... we haven't seen all of these yet, but I doubt the year will end without our having explored them in at least one story medium. And as of the latest chapter of Riddle of the Great Beings, we now know that there are even more locations to the north with just as intriguing names and descriptions.


Bara Magna may not be an island, but admittedly I've seen far more fanfic/RPG locations than I am comfortable with that focus merely on oddly-shaped islands with clear-cut region distinctions. BIONICLE has had enough time that it ought to expand beyond mere islands, and I'm afraid if it were to have kept up the "new island every few years" act I might indeed have grown a bit tired of not seeing some stronger variation in the geography.


I know I sometimes (to you, probably "often" rather than "sometimes") seem like I accept whatever the BIONICLE story team and set designers decide to feed us. However, I have likes and dislikes as well-- even if Mahri Nui and Karda Nui were appropriate for the story at the time they were, as you said, fairly boring compared to the previous islands with all their opportunities for adventure. And sets have also had their disappointments, even if I try my best to appreciate the design of every set for the thought put into it.


Nevertheless, I think it's probably through sticking with BIONICLE the whole time that I've been able to understand the story and sets from a perspective that's different from the new, unfamiliar fan. You may do it in a different fashion, but I'm glad you've had the patience with the line to do the same, and I hope that at some point the story can earn back your interest.


EDIT: And CF, I think that's appalling. There's an entire podcast on BIONICLEstory.com that's about nothing but the exploration of Bara Magna. You need to keep up with the times, even if you don't think much of them.

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I never had a strong dislike for any environments, but then, I'm Aanchir and I try my best to appreciate everything for its full worth (interpret that as you will). The only way environments changed drastically after 2007 is that they were no longer map-based-- there was no longer an air place, a fire place, etc. Which suited the high-intensity story at the time-- with the higher stakes of 2007 and 2008(and here's where you go wrong. The "higher stakes" of 07-08 are contrivances of the story, something which has, as I may have mentioned, been utterly horrible for a goodly while before that), there was not as much time for exploration, be it by the heroes, the villains, or an array of side characters.


As of 2009 we have a variety of locations once more. Iron Canyon, Black Spike Mountains, Sea of Liquid Sand... we haven't seen all of these yet, but I doubt the year will end without our having explored them in at least one story medium. And as of the latest chapter of Riddle of the Great Beings, we now know that there are even more locations to the north with just as intriguing names and descriptions.(the problem being that there's still less focus on them than there ought to be, and Greg's trying too hard(and failing, I might add) to tap into what I and others loved about Mata Nui)


Bara Magna may not be an island, but admittedly I've seen far more fanfic/RPG locations than I am comfortable with(your fault, I've made it a point to not read fanfiction, nor take part in any RPGs because the frequency of quality content produced by both is far outweighed by the amount of carp they create, same reason I don't look at many MOCs) that focus merely on oddly-shaped islands with clear-cut region distinctions. BIONICLE has had enough time that it ought to expand beyond mere islands, and I'm afraid if it were to have kept up the "new island every few years" act I might indeed have grown a bit tired of not seeing some stronger variation in the geography.(thing is, it's entirely possible to not need to. Just because Bionicle's switched islands several times doesn't mean it had to or that switching was the best possible option. Mata Nui still had a great deal left to explore without getting anywhere near ruining the sense of mystery, I think)


I know I sometimes (to you, probably "(constantly =P)" rather than "sometimes") seem like I accept whatever the BIONICLE story team and set designers decide to feed us. However, I have likes and dislikes as well-- even if Mahri Nui and Karda Nui were appropriate for the story(if the story sucks, enviroments tailored for it suck too(Metru Nui and Voya Nui aren't examples of this, since Metru Nui to a greater extent and Voya Nui to a lesser aren't really tailored to the story, they're both extrapolations of the Mata Nui concept)) at the time they were, as you said, fairly boring compared to the previous islands with all their opportunities for adventure. And sets have also had their disappointments, even if I try my best to appreciate the design of every set for the thought put into it.


Nevertheless, I think it's probably through sticking with BIONICLE the whole time that I've been able to understand the story and sets from a perspective that's different from the new, unfamiliar fan. You may do it in a different fashion, but I'm glad you've had the patience with the line to do the same, and I hope that at some point the story can earn back your interest.(probably only going to happen if Greg goes back to just writing the comics. Best piece of story(MNOG) was something he wasn't to the best of my knowledge involved with, and I often wonder if having him write more of the story is what made it go downhill so much)


EDIT: And CF, I think that's appalling. There's an entire podcast on BIONICLEstory.com that's about nothing but the exploration of Bara Magna.(podcasts are not visual representations, which are really the only way you can properly present an interesting environment) You need to keep up with the times, even if you don't think much of them.

Replies are in bold parenthesis, there may be a formatting problem or two, let me know

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