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So... Yeah.



I decided that I will start drawing again, like... in the more time consuming way than my half brained little chibis running around my test papers. But there are things that I need to look into more and practice for... well a lot, I have no idea how long. Like... well, practically everything, but right now I need to make things symmetrical when they're supposed to be symmetrical.


That's why I hate doing eyes... cuz one will look goodish, and the other will look like a flat tire. ><


Then there's hair... which I suck at miserably... ><


Buuuuut! [Lots of] Practice makes perfect.


But if I ever do make a good little drawing I would probably write a story involving it just cuz... that's just how I am XP


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*Pushes you toward MoCing instead*


I do that from time to time, I have a... legless Certavus thing from after the contest. Cuz I felt like making my own at the wrong time XP

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You can do more with drawing, though. With MOCing you are limited by how many parts you have, and how much money you have to buy those parts. But paper is pretty cheap. :P

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A cheep trick involving the eyes:


When you draw a good eye leave the other one blank. Then when you scan your drawing, use an editor to copy the good eye into place.

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If you want to draw good eyes without being a cheater *glare*, I suggest doing this: draw faint little oval outlines first, fiddle with them until the shape looks good, and then add the irises and pupils. That's what I do. Well actually, I just draw a little circle and don't even add the pupils half the time, but uhh, whatever. And practicing drawing eyes by looking at your own in a mirror can help you get the hang of drawing a nice eye shape.


And hair...is something else entirely. It really depends on your style, whether you want to draw very realistically, more cartoon or anime-ish, or semi-realistic like I do. My best advice on that is not to be too fussy; don't get caught up in trying to make it look perfect. Looser strokes look more natural; experiment a bit, have fun, and see what you can come up with.


But you're right, the only surefire way to get better is to practice. A lot. Until your eyes won't stay open and your hand is stiff. And sleep. And then repeat. Oh, and chocolate helps creativity flow, LK and I have proven this scientifically.;D



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