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S & T 5 Categories



Looks like the category breakdown will be as follows:


Media (4)


Collage (2)


Art (3)


Text (1)




The numbers in parentheses are the number of winners the category will have, based on the percentages of those entered in the contest. That totals ten that will be featured in the BRC; ten that will be in the final "ranking" poll.


The distinction between collage and art will be that collage is the combining of LEGO-company-produced images into one image, while art is produced by the artist that entered. There won't be a distinction between computer art and drawn art. Media will include mostly videos and at least one audio file. Text will include summary, poetry, and short stories (I use the plurals loosely :P).


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I haven't put together the actual list yet, so not quite sure. Glance through the entry topic and you'll know, other than the few last minute ones. :)

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Skullkid, yours will be under media. However, I am going to include the self-descriptions of what each entry, so yours will have a note that it is audio. I believe it is the only one of its kind in the contest, so I had no choice but to put it with the videos. Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't know, but I'll make sure it's clear what is.

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Skullkid, yours will be under media. However, I am going to include the self-descriptions of what each entry, so yours will have a note that it is audio. I believe it is the only one of its kind in the contest, so I had no choice but to put it with the videos. Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't know, but I'll make sure it's clear what is.


Got stuck with SPIRIT'S Entry. :P



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