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Goodbye =(

Karzhani the Utahraptor


I'm addressing this to all of BZP, or whoever actually cares to read this blog.


I've been following the Bionicle saga for 5 years already. Its been fun, and I enjoyed reading the books and its interesting story. However, I feel that the Glatorians aren't as good as the earlier sets, from 01-08. They should have stuck with the original story. They really should have. But its Lego's decsion, not mine to make. I haven't bought any of the 09 sets other than Vorox, and I was disappointed with its playability. When I heard that GregF would only write 2 full books each year, my spirits dropped. I await the book coming out next month, but I can say that my overall interest in Bionicle is 0. Zero. Zilch. Its time for me to, sadly, move on.'


Its been fun for the last 2 years when I was on BZP. Ask Makuta, Zaktan's Diary, the Ancient Artifact....but they might be no more. I'm done with BZP. Finished. I'm busy in real life as well, so I can't spend too much time online.


I might return to post occasionally, but I shall now go into 'dormant' mode. A high chance is that I will return and post regularly by the end of this year, but that is not guaranteed.


Before I leave, I would like to thank TMH, Shadowlion, most of the people in my friends list, and all of those who have ever read and liked my comedies, epics or SSes.


Bye. :(


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I'm sorry to see you go, you've been a great friend to me and many other BZPers. I respect your decision to leave, however, BIONICLE is getting a lot worse, and life comes before the interwebs.


Bye. :(

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