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Bo Ring Cartoon Collection #1




In order to keep my blog from dying a long and painful death, I'm taking an hour or so today to launch a feature that I've been meaning to post on BZP for several years but never got around to it... This is a hand-drawn comic series I began drawing for fun many years ago (before I knew of BZP, I think, though my memory is faulty). It's based around a news reporter who is, how shall I put it... less than top-notch... Originally planned to post this as a COT topic, but I figure a regular feature in my blog will be a better way to put this up since it's easier to keep track of (and can't die :P). So without further ado... meet Bo Ring!


Collection #1 is the first 36 cartoons (including the intro stuff). Around 108 have been scanned and maybe 30 or so more drawn--they will be posted in succeeding blog collection entries. :) The first few I'll d-link here; the rest will be simple links. Feel free to comment on this entry--this has been a looong time coming so I'd love to hear what you guys think! Enjoy! ^_^


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I like the alien one.


"He must be a different species".


Also, the cure for cancer, and he's sitting there like its just a tree in his back yard. Pretty Bo Ring if you ask me (by the way, nice names :P )

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The ongoing stereotype "details at eleven" is hilarious. It doesn't get old, even though you've used it in about 10 strips. :P And the names are great... Manny Jer... Andy Mann... classic. :D


~Sidorak The Hunter

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Honestly, I have seen these comics these morning, but I was laughing so hard that I couldn't post my replies :P


I don't know what to say...or maybe I do: :superfunny:


~ Bioran

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Well Skeleton Dude, some of these are brilliant, some of these are witty but not as good and some are just BoRing =P


#7 and #36 were just briliant though. Nice parody of the typical news reporter stereocast. #4 brings a good point up actually, if it's that dangerous and everyone should leave, why is the cameraman and the reporter there :P


That's enough for now, more at 11.

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I'm... bored. :P


Naw, but these are pretty awesome, Bones. Although the text is a little sloppy... perhaps if you applied it on the computer? Ah well. Nice job. You've successfully bored the snot out of me. :P

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There's a joke over the internet that all the news reporters say good evening, and proceed to tell you about car accidents, bombings, and asaults, whihc is not at all a good evening. This reminded me of that, if you know what I mean.

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:P These made me laugh too! I think #20 was my favorite. #19 was great too.


Your parody is great :). If we'll see more, I'll be sure to check them out!

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