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Bionicle: Tlr Trailer



Beautiful. Did you hear that music? It's brilliant! It's like a blend of the very rhythmic Cryoshell stuff we've been treated to for the past few years and the MNOLG and animation music from the days of old!


I liked the old movies' music, but daaang. This right here... this is BIONICLE at its finest.


Some of the clips and concept art would seem to foreshadow that the BIONICLE of the past should not be discounted as a future plot element.


Also, the Mata Nui render seems to stylize the waist piece as similar to one of those Roman-style armored skirt, much like I have chosen to do in my drawings (which I need to finish and scan in... :wacko:).


To those who think BIONICLE has died, clearly they're counting their chickens before they hatch. The story continues to show that it's not somehow defying the ideas of the past, but that it's continually growing according to the standards set in place in 2001-- namely the notion of a biological/mechanical coexistence, and of course the mysterious Great Spirit Mata Nui.


Has the story been the same throughout? No, and it was never planned to be. I'm not sure how far the current storyline is planned, but like any avid follower of a story I'll put up with any amount of change, any amount of revelation. As long as we continue to find out what lies ahead...


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The music was good, aside from the screaming.


Very cool trailer. Interesting renders. Look a whole lot like the sets, unlike the past movies which looked more like how I think LEGO would have had them look in real life. Good/bad? IDK yet.


Mata Nui didn't have black--he had, light grey? Hmm.... Actually, this goes better than the black did, IMO, though if LEGO did that it would have been bley.


Those environs were really cool. (Too bad Bionicle has stopped focusing on the environment...)



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The music was good, aside from the screaming.


Very cool trailer. Interesting renders. Look a whole lot like the sets, unlike the past movies which looked more like how I think LEGO would have had them look in real life. Good/bad? IDK yet.


Mata Nui didn't have black--he had, light grey? Hmm.... Actually, this goes better than the black did, IMO, though if LEGO did that it would have been bley.


Those environs were really cool. (Too bad Bionicle has stopped focusing on the environment...)



As I've said, the foreshadowing in Riddle of the Great Beings strongly implies that BIONICLE has not stopped focusing on the environment, and that there will indeed be more than "just desert" in our Bara Magna adventures. And on the subject of environment, if you got the latest BIONICLE comic with the centerfold featuring the Agori, you'd have seen some concept art of several Bara Magna environments, some of which we've already seen in story and some which I do not doubt we will see in future media.


And I, at least, like the music. Seems to suit BIONICLE, and I object to the notion that the MNOLG I hear in it is just a consequence of bad speakers.

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That trailer was awesome, IMO. The concept art is making me wonder. What was that picture of Mata Nui's original body there in that undergound chamber? What was with that red energy thing in the middle of that arena? Does any of it have any sort of revelence to the story at all or is it just to look awesome?


I think that Mata Nui model wasn't final because the Ignika had no mouth (unlike in the pictures in the recent LEGO Magazine), but it was nice just the same to get an idea of how the full CGI models of the sets will look in the movie.


I seriously can't wait for The Legend Reborn after seeing that trailer :) .



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... It's a loincloth.







Metal loincloth? That's a new concept for me. :blink:


Anywho, I like it. Definitely gets the gladiator style working for it. Hope the final movie version keeps it.


One more thing-- if this is a loincloth, does that make the Toa Metru... erm... "groin armor" in the old movies a Speedo? :wacko:

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