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Been working on more of them as of late, such as reconstructing a few for the third time, more for giving them a more interesting past rather than the same old boring stuff that gets tedious to write about. This involved the hacking of my notebook, but I had another one [Found it under a couch, actually] where I decided to put in all of the new information and explanations of things. Some time they'll be converted into my Word processor, but I only have about... less than two hours to be on here [Gonna go see Star Trek at 6:10 PM].


Alicia, Anazair, Vex, and Veran are the most fun for me to write about. Alicia is fun more because of all of the events that just happened one after the other, and eventually molding her into a very violent individual who dwells within the Mortal Realm, having been sent to one [i'll keep it unnamed] realm from another. So basically she's been everywhere, and that just adds to the fun. Anazair is fun more because of reasons I don't want to say, for those who play the RPG in COT, and because it'd give away a lot about the "main villain". Vex is just fun due to the fact that she goes from; near dead homeless harpy to trained killer because of a series of events. Veran is also fun, more due to the fact that there are about... three entire sections with his history; from early, to current, to future. So far he owns about fifty pages out of that 400.


Callow, the Locke Family as a whole, and Anazect are a bit more dull to construct histories for, though the Lockes are getting into more and more interesting parts. Callow is more or less just a normal man with a few abnormal historic events, and Anazect is one of the Anazts, but due to their nature, they aren't so much fun to write with.


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