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My Day

Mysterious Minifig


My day was somewhat of a less then average day.


My family spent most of the morning clean. A bunch of my family is going to be coming on Sunday, probably the most ever, for my Confirmation.


I had lunch at about 11:30 and on the way to work I tried to find geocache #31, no such luck. I got to work right on time. This was my last day there and so I really didn't have too much to do.


On the way home from work I was going to try and find another geocache but it was starting to rain and so I didn't even stop.


Track practice was pretty fun today. Instead of a normal practice we had a mystery hunt that the team captains had put together. Once we were done with meeting at the beginning we headed out to find the clue things that we needed. It was pouring rain out. Needless to say I was soak after a few minutes. My team didn't win the hunt though. We finished up at 5:00. Since it would probably be 30 minutes until my dad picked me up and it had stopped raining by this time I decided to try and find the two geocaches in the park across from the school. No luck there either.


And that's how my day went. For those of you curious about geocaching I'm working on putting together a entry about it.


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