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I'm happy with myself for not holding grudges. If something happens, I get past it instead of holding it against someone.


But I'm finding it really hard to forgive a "friend" (hangs out in the same group as I do, for all extensive purposes) as she constantly can not accept me for the person I am (geeky, etc) and seems to want to "change" or "fix" me or make me "normal." She's very condescending and always thinks she's right (even when she acknowledges something else is better).

I'm just happy I don't have to worry about her until end-August, aside from online stuff.


Oh, and this is the person that wouldn't let me borrow her camera so I could take some Lego pix.




-CF :kakama:


QotD: Normal is only a setting on a washing machine.


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Who said liking LEGO is geeky? =P


I mean, from what I've seen from you, you seem very... 'normal'.


But, good for you.


- TV




Who said I want to be "normal" and not geeky?


What did I do good? This entry is about my bad.



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I dunno... I don't let people like that bother me; aka I don't hang out with them. I've had to work with a few people like that in college (and high school) and I just ignore any of their "comments" about my hobbies. (To be fair, there were more annoying people in high school then college... the application process seems to weed them out)


On the other hand... I'm a far less social person than you, so its easier for me to just not hang out with someone...




Yeah, I sort of can't avoid her. I wouldn't like to invite her up to my apartment, I'll let my other friends do that and show it off to her if they feel like, but that would be holding my grudge, which would be bad.



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Who said I want to be "normal" and not geeky?


What did I do good? This entry is about my bad.




Well, nothing's wrong with being geeky, but I just don't know what's geeky about you. =P Unless you consider liking LEGO geeky, but I don't. And it's not like you look geeky. =P


Well, at the beginning you mentioned how you don't hold grudges... so that's good, right? ^^;



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What Velox said. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. I mean, basically any AFOL or TFOL is a geek IMO - Lego is geeky.

About your friend, the one who won't accept you for who you are, I would just talk to her about it. But you know, some conformists just can't accept "abnormal" people, and there's no point in trying to change them.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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I'm happy with myself for not holding grudges. If something happens, I get past it instead of holding it against someone.

Good. Just be sure there's no denial of your feelings involved. Gotta be honest with yourself.


But I'm finding it really hard to forgive a "friend" (hangs out in the same group as I do, for all extensive purposes) as she constantly can not accept me for the person I am (geeky, etc) and seems to want to "change" or "fix" me or make me "normal." She's very condescending and always thinks she's right (even when she acknowledges something else is better).

I'm just happy I don't have to worry about her until end-August, aside from online stuff.


Oh, and this is the person that wouldn't let me borrow her camera so I could take some Lego pix.




-CF kakama.gif


QotD: Normal is only a setting on a washing machine.

Well, at least you're being honest, recognizing your failure to forgive. That's the first step.


Somehow, I feel there might be an issue of self-acceptance here. 'Cause it seems that if you were perfectly self-accepting, then why would you be troubled by the failure of someone else to accept you? You would accept that, too, in them. We're all experiencing life through a limited mode of being. We all have our blind spots, some more than others. We're all at different stages in our development. Passing judgement on someone, or holding a grudge, because of something that simply is the way it is, can only cause hurt. So you see how this is a mutual situation. A self-reinforcing dynamic, until something breaks the loop. And that something is forgiveness. Forgive the self, and forgive the other. It's the only way out and forward.


I'm no psychologist, but that's the thought that I have on this, from my perspective at the moment. (I'm working on related issues myself.) :) Take it as you will.


My best wishes to you. May your growth and healing always be smooth and take the shortest path forward.




Hmm, thanks! This really helped. Definitely something to ponder over.



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