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Freshman No More



Well, I'm home for the summer. My Freshman year of college is over. Good Lord, that went by so fast. Too fast, I'd say. I already miss my friends there. I've never had friends quite like those at McDaniel College. I hung out with several people in high school, but that was about the extent of it: play video games together and similar stuff. Before college, there was only one person I actually considered a really good friend; i.e. someone to talk to about anything.


Now, I have several of those. Before college, I had no one to help me with tech problems (my awesome roommate, Josh), no one to help me out of legal situations ( :P ) and give me moral support during the hard times (my good friend Katalin), and no one to just be there to listen (Nick and Emma). Seriously, I'm going to have to find a way to meet up with them all at some point over the summer.


And in a completely stolen method from DV -- What I learned my Freshman year of college:

  • Get used to the wonderful smells of the cafeteria's dumpsters right outside your window.
  • The Pub & Grill has awesome food. Especially cheesesteaks.
  • Unfortunately, there aren't enough Fourth Meals per semester for said food.
  • Watch what you write. Carefully.
  • Student court sucks bigtime.
  • Friends can be extremely awesome.
  • Friends can also be exceedingly irritating.
  • Don't just make friends with people from your class alone. Upperclassmen can be awesome.
  • Get used to intoxicated individuals stumbling around (thankfully, high school already prepared me for such things).
  • Don't expect much free time, if any, very often
  • LOST is still awesome.
  • You WILL find people with similar interests, don't worry.
  • You'd be surprised how much you could have in common with others.
  • Alucard is made of awesome. Especially when piloting a fighter jet.
  • There are going to be people you dislike. Might as well accept that.
  • Taken is such an amazing movie.
  • Seriously, watch it.
  • Home and family are getting increasingly intolerable.
  • The hair on my head and my facial hair grows at an incomprehensible rate.
  • Keep your friends close -- they're the most important part of college life, and keep you from losing your mind.
  • Don't miss class. Seriously, it can screw you over real bad.

*sigh* Guess I'll go job hunting or something...


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All my friends are starting to scare me about college...maybe I should just go into work for a few years before starting... :P


Intolerable? I thought it was the opposite...you know, you go to college to get away from the family, but when you visit you realize how awesome (LOL) they are?


Have a good summer! I have to start job hunting too...argh, senior year. D=


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Yeah, it was like that in the beginning of the year, probably because I was so new to not being around them every day. But as time went on, I got so much closer to friends at college and now my grandparents in particular are starting to irritate me. My mom's still cool, though. :P


Don't be scared; college is so definitely worth it. Find the one that's right for you and go there, you won't regret it. Just remember to go to class, or else you're pretty much screwed.

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